- § 2280 - Maximum cost of projects
- § 2281 - Matters to be addressed in planning
- § 2281a - Tribal Liaison
- § 2281b - Corps of Engineers support for underserved communities; outreach
- § 2281c - Continuing authority programs
- § 2281d - Declaration of policy
- § 2282 - Feasibility reports
- § 2282a - Planning
- § 2282b - Submission of reports to Congress
- § 2282c - Vertical integration and acceleration of studies
- § 2282d - Annual report to Congress
- § 2282d-1 - Report to Congress on authorized studies and projects
- § 2282e - Post-authorization change reports
- § 2282f - Review of resiliency assessments
- § 2282g - Scope of feasibility studies
- § 2282h - Economic, hydraulic, and hydrologic modeling
- § 2283 - Fish and wildlife mitigation
- § 2283a - Status report
- § 2283b - Clarification of mitigation authority
- § 2283c - Technical assistance
- § 2284 - Benefits and costs attributable to environmental measures
- § 2284a - Benefits to navigation
- § 2284b - Scenic and aesthetic considerations
- § 2285 - Environmental Protection and Mitigation Fund
- § 2286 - Acceptance of certain funds for mitigation
- § 2287 - Continued planning and investigations
- § 2288 - Repealed.
- § 2289 - Urban and rural flood control frequency
- § 2289a - Consideration of measures
- § 2289b - Stormwater management projects
- § 2290 - Flood control in Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
- § 2291 - Federal Project Repayment District
- § 2292 - Surveying and mapping
- § 2292a - National coastal mapping program
- § 2293 - Reprogramming during national emergencies
- § 2293a - Reprogramming of funds for projects by Corps of Engineers
- § 2294 - Office of Environmental Policy
- § 2295 - Compilation of laws; annual reports
- § 2295a - Policy and technical standards
- § 2296 - Acquisition of recreation lands
- § 2297 - Operation and maintenance on recreation lands
- § 2298 - Impact of proposed projects on existing recreation facilities
- § 2298a - Databases of Corps recreational sites
- § 2299 - Acquisition of beach fill
- § 2300 - Study of Corps capabilities
- § 2301, 2302 - Omitted
- § 2303 - Historical properties
- § 2304 - Separability
- § 2305 - Use of FMHA funds
- § 2306 - Reports
- § 2307 - Control of ice
- § 2308 - Campgrounds for senior citizens
- § 2309 - Great Lakes Commodities Marketing Board
- § 2309a - Project modifications for improvement of environment or drought resiliency
- § 2310 - Cost sharing for Territories and Indian tribes
- § 2311 - Report to Congress covering proposals for water impoundment facilities
- § 2312 - Comments on certain changes in operations of reservoirs
- § 2313 - Research and development
- § 2313a - Engineering and environmental innovations of national significance
- § 2313b - Support of Army civil works program
- § 2314 - Innovative technology
- § 2314a - Technical assistance program
- § 2314b - Advanced modeling technologies
- § 2315 - Periodic statements
- § 2315a - Transparency in accounting and administrative expenses
- § 2315b - Transparency and accountability in cost sharing for water resources development projects
- § 2316 - Environmental protection mission
- § 2317 - Wetlands
- § 2317a - Cooperative agreements
- § 2317b - Mitigation banks and in-lieu fee arrangements
- § 2318 - Flood plain management
- § 2319 - Reservoir management
- § 2320 - Protection of recreational and commercial uses
- § 2321 - Operation and maintenance of navigation and hydroelectric facilities
- § 2321a - Hydroelectric power project uprating
- § 2321b - Expediting hydropower at Corps of Engineers facilities
- § 2322 - Single entities
- § 2323 - Technical assistance to private entities
- § 2323a - Interagency and international support authority
- § 2324 - Reduced pricing for certain water supply storage
- § 2325 - Voluntary contributions for environmental and recreation projects
- § 2325a - Authority to accept and use materials and services
- § 2325b - Materials, services, and funds for repair, restoration, or rehabilitation of projects
- § 2326 - Regional sediment management
- § 2326a - Dredged material disposal facility partnerships
- § 2326b - Sediment management
- § 2326c - Reservoir sediment
- § 2326d - Alternative projects to maintenance dredging
- § 2326e - Non-Federal interest dredging authority
- § 2326f - Maintenance dredging data
- § 2326g - Beneficial use of dredged material; dredged material management plans
- § 2326h - Five-year regional dredged material management plans
- § 2326i - Beneficial use of dredged material
- § 2326j - Transfer of suitable dredged material
- § 2327 - Definition of rehabilitation for inland waterway projects
- § 2327a - Rehabilitation of Corps of Engineers constructed pump stations
- § 2328 - Challenge cost-sharing program for management of recreation facilities
- § 2328a - Special use permits
- § 2329 - International outreach program
- § 2330 - Aquatic ecosystem restoration
- § 2330a - Monitoring ecosystem restoration
- § 2330b - Fish hatcheries
- § 2330c - Aquatic ecosystem restoration
- § 2330d - Public recreational amenities in ecosystem restoration projects
- § 2331 - Use of continuing contracts for construction of certain projects
- § 2331a - Initiating work on separable elements
- § 2332 - Shoreline and riverine protection and restoration
- § 2333 - Irrigation diversion protection and fisheries enhancement assistance
- § 2334 - Innovative technologies for watershed restoration
- § 2335 - Coastal aquatic habitat management
- § 2336 - Abandoned and inactive noncoal mine restoration
- § 2337 - Property protection program
- § 2338 - Reburial and conveyance authority
- § 2339 - Assistance programs
- § 2339a - Cooperative agreements with Indian tribes
- § 2340 - Revision of project partnership agreement; cost sharing
- § 2341 - Expedited actions for emergency flood damage reduction
- § 2341a - Prioritization
- § 2341b - Prioritization of certain projects
- § 2341c - Criteria for funding environmental infrastructure projects
- § 2342 - Access to water resource data
- § 2343 - Independent peer review
- § 2344 - Safety assurance review
- § 2345 - Electronic submission and tracking of permit applications
- § 2346 - Project administration
- § 2346a - Real estate administrative fees
- § 2347 - Coordination and scheduling of Federal, State, and local actions
- § 2347a - Determination of project completion
- § 2347b - Purpose and need
- § 2347c - Small water storage projects
- § 2348 - Project acceleration
- § 2348a - NEPA reporting
- § 2349 - Categorical exclusions in emergencies
- § 2350 - Corrosion prevention
- § 2351 - Durability, sustainability, and resilience
- § 2351a - Operation and maintenance of existing infrastructure
- § 2351b - Federal breakwaters and jetties
- § 2352 - Funding to process permits
- § 2353 - Structural health monitoring
- § 2353a - Aging infrastructure
- § 2354 - Easements for electric, telephone, or broadband service facilities
- § 2355 - Prior project authorization
- § 2356 - Project consultation
- § 2357 - Managed aquifer recharge study and working group