Subpart E. Subpart E—Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM)
Reconciliation and Review Process
- SECTION § 512.550 - Reconciliation process and determination of the reconciliation payment or repayment amount.
- SECTION § 512.552 - Treatment of incentive programs or add-on payments under existing Medicare payment systems.
- SECTION § 512.555 - Proration of payments for services that extend beyond an episode.
- SECTION § 512.560 - Appeals process.
- SECTION § 512.561 - Reconsideration review processes.
Data Sharing and Other Requirements
Financial Arrangements and Beneficiary Incentives
- SECTION § 512.565 - Sharing arrangements.
- SECTION § 512.568 - Distribution arrangements.
- SECTION § 512.570 - Downstream distribution arrangements.
- SECTION § 512.575 - TEAM beneficiary incentives.
- SECTION § 512.576 - Application of the CMS-sponsored model arrangements and patient incentives safe harbor.
Medicare Program Waivers
General Provisions
- SECTION § 512.582 - Beneficiary protections.
- SECTION § 512.584 - Cooperation in model evaluation and monitoring.
- SECTION § 512.586 - Audits and record retention.
- SECTION § 512.588 - Rights in data and intellectual property.
- SECTION § 512.590 - Monitoring and compliance.
- SECTION § 512.592 - Remedial action.
- SECTION § 512.594 - Limitations on review.
- SECTION § 512.595 - Bankruptcy and other notifications.
- SECTION § 512.596 - Termination of TEAM or TEAM participant from model by CMS.
- SECTION § 512.598 - Decarbonization and resilience initiative.
TEAM Participation
Scope of Episodes Being Tested
Pricing Methodology
Quality Measures and Composite Quality Score