View all text of Subjgrp 102 [§ 512.565 - § 512.576]

§ 512.575 - TEAM beneficiary incentives.

(a) General. TEAM participants may choose to provide in-kind patient engagement incentives including but not limited to items of technology to TEAM beneficiaries in an episode, subject to the following conditions:

(1) The incentive must be provided directly by the TEAM participant or by an agent of the TEAM participant under the TEAM participant's direction and control to the TEAM beneficiary during an episode.

(2) The item or service provided must be reasonably connected to medical care provided to a TEAM beneficiary during an episode.

(3) The item or service must be a preventive care item or service or an item or service that advances a clinical goal, as listed in paragraph (c) of this section, for a TEAM beneficiary in an episode by engaging the TEAM beneficiary in better managing his or her own health.

(4) The item or service must not be tied to the receipt of items or services outside the episode.

(5) The item or service must not be tied to the receipt of items or services from a particular provider or supplier.

(6) The availability of the items or services must not be advertised or promoted, except that a TEAM beneficiary may be made aware of the availability of the items or services at the time the TEAM beneficiary could reasonably benefit from them.

(7) The cost of the items or services must not be shifted to any Federal health care program, as defined at section 1128B(f) of the Act.

(b) Technology provided to a TEAM beneficiary. TEAM beneficiary engagement incentives involving technology are subject to the following additional conditions:

(1) Items or services involving technology provided to a TEAM beneficiary may not exceed $1,000 in retail value for any one TEAM beneficiary during any one episode.

(2) Items or services involving technology provided to a TEAM beneficiary must be the minimum necessary to advance a clinical goal, as listed in paragraph (c) of this section, for a beneficiary in an episode.

(3) Items of technology exceeding $75 in retail value must—

(i) Remain the property of the TEAM participant; and

(ii) Be retrieved from the TEAM beneficiary at the end of the episode, with documentation of the ultimate date of retrieval. The TEAM participant must document all retrieval attempts. In cases when the item of technology is not able to be retrieved, the TEAM participant must determine why the item was not retrievable. If it was determined that the item was misappropriated (if it were sold, for example), the TEAM participant must take steps to prevent future beneficiary incentives for that TEAM beneficiary. Following this process, documented, diligent, good faith attempts to retrieve items of technology will be deemed to meet the retrieval requirement.

(c) Clinical goals of TEAM. The following are the clinical goals of TEAM, which may be advanced through TEAM beneficiary incentives:

(1) Beneficiary adherence to drug regimens.

(2) Beneficiary adherence to a care plan.

(3) Reduction of readmissions and complications following an episode.

(4) Management of chronic diseases and conditions that may be affected by the TEAM procedure.

(d) Documentation of TEAM beneficiary incentives. (1) TEAM participants must maintain documentation of items and services furnished as beneficiary incentives that exceed $25 in retail value.

(2) The documentation must be established contemporaneously with the provision of the items and services with a record established and maintained to include at least the following:

(i) The date the incentive is provided.

(ii) The identity of the TEAM beneficiary to whom the item or service was provided.

(3) The documentation regarding items of technology exceeding $75 in retail value must also include contemporaneous documentation of any attempt to retrieve technology at the end of an episode, or why the items were not retrievable, as described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

(4) The TEAM participant must retain and provide access to the required documentation in accordance with § 512.586.