View all text of Subjgrp 104 [§ 512.582 - § 512.598]

§ 512.594 - Limitations on review.

There is no administrative or judicial review under sections 1869 or 1878 of the Act or otherwise for all of the following:

(a) The selection of models for testing or expansion under section 1115A of the Act.

(b) The selection of organizations, sites, or participants to test TEAM, including a decision by CMS to remove a TEAM participant or to require a TEAM participant to remove a downstream participant from TEAM.

(c) The elements, parameters, scope, and duration of testing or dissemination, including without limitation the following:

(1) The selection of quality performance standards for TEAM by CMS.

(2) The methodology used by CMS to assess the quality of care furnished by the TEAM participant.

(3) The methodology used by CMS to attribute TEAM beneficiaries to the TEAM participant, if applicable.

(d) Determinations regarding budget neutrality under section 1115A(b)(3) of the Act.

(e) The termination or modification of the design and implementation of TEAM under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act.

(f) Determinations about expansion of the duration and scope of TEAM under section 1115A(c) of the Act, including the determination that TEAM is not expected to meet criteria described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.