View all text of Subjgrp 96 [§ 512.510 - § 512.522]
§ 512.520 - Participation tracks.
(a) For performance year 1: (1) Any TEAM participant may choose to participate in Track 1 or Track 3.
(2) The TEAM participant must notify CMS of its track choice, prior to performance year 1, in a form and manner and by a date specified by CMS.
(3) CMS assigns the TEAM participant to Track 1 for performance year 1 if a TEAM participant does not choose a track in the form and manner and by the date specified by CMS.
(b) For performance years 2 through 5: (1) CMS assigns a TEAM participant to participate in Track 3 unless the TEAM participant requests to participate in Track 1 or Track 2 and receives approval from CMS to participate in Track 1 or Track 2, with the exception that a TEAM participant cannot request participation in Track 1 for performance years 4 and 5.
(2) The TEAM participant must notify CMS of its Track 1 or Track 2 request prior to performance year 2, and prior to every performance year thereafter, as applicable, in a form and manner and by a date specified by CMS.
(3) CMS does not approve a TEAM participant's request to participate in Track 1 submitted in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section unless the TEAM participant is a safety net hospital, as defined in § 512.505, at the time of the request.
(4) CMS does not approve a TEAM participant's request to participate in Track 2 submitted in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section unless the TEAM participant is one of the following hospital types at the time of the request:
(i) Medicare-dependent hospital (as defined in § 512.505).
(ii) Rural hospital (as defined in § 512.505).
(iii) Safety Net hospital (as defined in § 512.505).
(iv) Sole community hospital (as defined in § 512.505).
(v) Essential access community hospital (as defined in § 512.505).
(5) A TEAM participant who does not notify CMS of its Track 1 or Track 2 request prior to a given performance year in the form and manner and by the date specified by CMS or who is not a safety net hospital, as defined as defined in § 512.505, or one of the hospital types specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section at the time of the request is assigned to Track 3 for the applicable performance year.