- SUBPART A [§ 381.1 - § 381.1] - Subpart A—Definitions
- SUBPART B [§ 381.3 - § 381.7] - Subpart B—Administration; Application of Inspection and Other Requirements
- SUBPART C [§ 381.10 - § 381.15] - Subpart C—Exemptions
- SUBPART D [§ 381.16 - § 381.22] - Subpart D—Application for Inspection; Grant or Refusal of Inspection
- SUBPART E [§ 381.25 - § 381.28] - Subpart E—Inauguration of Inspection; Official Establishment Numbers; Separation of Establishments and Other Requirements; Withdrawal of Inspection
- SUBPART F [§ 381.30 - § 381.35] - Subpart F—Assignment and Authorities of Program Employees; Appeals
- SUBPART G [§ 381.36 - § 381.39] - Subpart G—Facilities for Inspection; Overtime and Holiday Service; Billing Establishments
- SUBPART H [§ 381.45 - § 381.46] - Subpart H—Attestation on Work-Related Conditions
- SUBPART I [§ 381.65 - § 381.69] - Subpart I—Operating Procedures
- SUBPART J [§ 381.70 - § 381.75] - Subpart J—Ante Mortem Inspection
- SUBPART K [§ 381.76 - § 381.94] - Subpart K—Post Mortem Inspection; Disposition of Carcasses and Parts
- SUBPART L [§ 381.95 - § 381.95] - Subpart L—Handling and Disposal of Condemned or Other Inedible Products at Official Establishments
- SUBPART M [§ 381.96 - § 381.112] - Subpart M—Official Marks, Devices, and Certificates; Export Certificates; Certification Procedures
- SUBPART N [§ 381.115 - § 381.144] - Subpart N—Labeling and Containers
- SUBPART O [§ 381.145 - § 381.153] - Subpart O—Entry of Articles Into Official Establishments; Processing Inspection and Other Reinspections; Processing Requirements
- SUBPART P [§ 381.155 - § 381.174] - Subpart P—Definitions and Standards of Identity or Composition
- SUBPART Q [§ 381.175 - § 381.182] - Subpart Q—Records, Registration, and Reports
- SUBPART R [§ 381.185 - § 381.187] - Subpart R—Cooperation With States and Territories; Certification of State and Territorial Programs as at Least Equal to Federal Program
- SUBPART S [§ 381.189 - § 381.194] - Subpart S—Transportation; Exportation; or Sale of Poultry or Poultry Products
- SUBPART T [§ 381.195 - § 381.209] - Subpart T—Imported Poultry Products
- SUBPART U [§ 381.210 - § 381.218] - Subpart U—Detention; Seizure and Condemnation; Criminal Offenses
- SUBPART V [§ 381.220 - § 381.225] - Subpart V—Special Provisions for Designated States and Territories; Criteria and Procedure for Designating Establishments With Operations Which Would Clearly Endanger the Public Health; Disposition of Poultry Products Therein
- SUBPART X - Subpart X [Reserved]
- SUBPART Y [§ 381.400 - § 381.500] - Subpart Y—Nutrition Labeling
- SUBPART Z [§ 381.511 - § 381.524] - Subpart Z—Selected Establishments; Cooperative Program for Interstate Shipment of Poultry Products