Subjgrp 214. Eighth Coast Guard District
- § 165.T08-0713 - Safety Zone; Lower Mississippi river, Natchez, MS.
- § 165.T08-0914 - Safety Zone; Taylor Bayou Turning Basin, Port Arthur, TX.
- § 165.T08-0953 - Security Zone; Corpus Christi Ship Channel. Corpus Christi, TX.
- § 165.T08-0988 - Safety Zone; Port Arthur Canal, Sabine, Pass, TX.
- § 165.T846 - Safety Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Ohio River, and Upper Mississippi River, Bird's Point-New Madrid Floodway.
- § 165.801 - Annual fireworks displays and other events in the Eighth Coast Guard District requiring safety zones.
- § 165.802 - Lower Mississippi River, vicinity of Old River Control Structure—Safety Zone.
- § 165.803 - Mississippi River—regulated navigation area.
- § 165.804 - Safety Zone; Hurricanes, Tropical Storms and Other Disasters in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
- § 165.805 - Security Zones; Calcasieu River and Ship Channel, Louisiana.
- § 165.806 - Sabine Neches Waterway, Texas—regulated navigation area.
- § 165.807 - Calcasieu River, Louisiana—regulated navigation area.
- § 165.808 - Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Corpus Christi, TX, safety zone.
- § 165.809 - Security Zone; Port of Corpus Christi Inner Harbor, Corpus Christi, TX.
- § 165.810 - Mississippi River, LA-regulated navigation area.
- § 165.811 - Atchafalaya River, Berwick Bay, LA-regulated navigation area.
- § 165.812 - Security Zones; Lower Mississippi River, Southwest Pass Sea Buoy to Mile Marker 96.0, New Orleans, LA.
- § 165.813 - Security Zones; Ports of Houston and Galveston, TX.
- § 165.814 - Security Zones; Captain of the Port Houston-Galveston Zone.
- § 165.815 - Ohio River at Louisville, KY; regulated navigation area.
- § 165.817 - Arkansas River, Mile 118.2 to 125.4, Little Rock Arkansas—regulated navigation area.
- § 165.818 - Moving Security Zones, for certain vessels in Freeport Entrance Channel, Freeport, Texas.
- § 165.819 - Security Zone; Sabine Bank Channel, Sabine Pass Channel and Sabine-Neches Waterway, TX.
- § 165.820 - Security Zone; Ohio River Mile, 34.6 to 35.1, Shippingport, Pennsylvania.
- § 165.821 - Ohio River at Cincinnati, OH; regulated navigation area.
- § 165.822 - Safety Zone; Fireworks Display, Kanawha River, WV.
- § 165.823 - Allegheny River, Monongahela River, and Ohio River, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Regulated Navigation Area.
- § 165.825 - Security Zones; Captain of the Port St. Louis, Missouri.
- § 165.827 - Regulated Navigation Area; Galveston Channel, TX.
- § 165.830 - Regulated Navigation Area; Reporting Requirements for Barges Loaded with Certain Dangerous Cargoes, Inland Rivers, Eighth Coast Guard District.
- § 165.834 - Safety Zone; Reoccurring Firework Displays near Convention Center on the Mobile River, Mobile, AL.
- § 165.835 - Security Zone; Port of Mobile, Mobile Ship Channel, Mobile, AL.
- § 165.836 - Security Zone; Escorted Vessels, Mobile, Alabama, Captain of the Port.
- § 165.837 - Safety Zone; Invista Inc Facility Docks, Victoria Barge Canal, Victoria, Texas.
- § 165.838 - Regulated Navigation Area; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, New Orleans, LA.
- § 165.839 - Safety Zone; Large Cruise Ships; Lower Mississippi River, Southwest Pass Sea Buoy to Mile Marker 96.0, New Orleans, LA.
- § 165.840 - Regulated Navigation Area, Gulf of Mexico: Mississippi Canyon Block 20, South of New Orleans, LA.
- § 165.842 - Safety Zone; Upper Mississippi River between mile 38.0 and mile 46.0, Thebes, IL; and between mile 78.0 and mile 81.0, Grand Tower, IL.
- § 165.843 - Moving Security Zone; Escorted Vessels; Lower Mississippi River; New Orleans, LA.
- § 165.844 - Safety Zone; Tennessee River, Miles 446.0 to 454.5, Chattanooga, TN.
- § 165.845 -
- § 165.846 - Security Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker 94 to 97 Above Head of Passes, New Orleans, LA.