View all text of Subjgrp 214 [§ 165.T08-0713 - § 165.846]

§ 165.840 - Regulated Navigation Area, Gulf of Mexico: Mississippi Canyon Block 20, South of New Orleans, LA.

(a) Location. The following area is a Regulated Navigation Area: A 300-foot diameter area at the water surface centered on the following coordinates: 28°56'12.619”N, 008°58'10.303”W, and extending the entire water column from the surface to the seabed.

(b) Regulations. (1) In accordance with the general regulations in § 165.11 of this part, all vessels are prohibited from anchoring, mooring, fishing, or otherwise loitering in the above described area except as authorized by the Captain of the Port, New Orleans.

(2) Persons or vessels requiring deviations from this rule must request permission from the Captain of the Port New Orleans. The Captain of the Port New Orleans may be contacted by telephone at (504) 365-2200.

[USCG-2013-0064, 78 FR 59236, Sept. 26, 2013]