View all text of Subjgrp 214 [§ 165.T08-0713 - § 165.846]
§ 165.821 - Ohio River at Cincinnati, OH; regulated navigation area.
(a) Location. The following is a regulated navigation area (RNA)—The waters of the Ohio River between mile 466.0 and mile 473.0.
(b) Activation. The restrictions in paragraphs (c) (1) through (4) are in effect from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise when the Cincinnati, Ohio, Ohio River Gauge is at or above the 45 foot level. The Captain of the Port, Ohio Valley will publish a notice in the Local Notice to Mariners and will make announcements by Coast Guard Marine Information Broadcasts whenever the river level measured at the gauge activates or terminates the navigation restrictions in this section.
(c) Regulations. (1) Transit through the RNA by all downbound vessels towing cargoes regulated by Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations Subchapters D and O with a tow length exceeding 600 feet excluding the tow boat is prohibited.
(2) No vessel shall loiter, anchor, stop, remain or drift without power at any time within the navigation channel of the RNA.
(3) All commercial vessels shall continually monitor VHF-FM channel 13 on their radiotelephone while in or approaching the RNA.
(4) Between Ohio River miles 464.0 and 466.0, downbound vessels shall make a broadcast in the blind, on VHF-FM channel 13 announcing their estimated time of entering the RNA.