View all text of Subchapter VIII [§ 2297h - § 2297h-13]

§ 2297h–10b. Secretarial determinations; congressional notification
(a) Secretarial determinations
(b) Congressional notification
(1) the provisions of law (including regulations) authorizing the provision of uranium;
(2) the amount of uranium to be provided;
(3) an estimate by the Secretary of Energy of the gross fair market value of the uranium on the expected date of the provision of the uranium;
(4) the expected date of the provision of the uranium;
(5) the recipient of the uranium;
(6) the value the Secretary of Energy expects to receive in exchange for the uranium, including any adjustments to the gross fair market value of the uranium; and
(7) whether the uranium to be provided is encumbered by any restriction on use under an international agreement or otherwise.
(Pub. L. 113–235, div. D, title III, § 306, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2324.)