View all text of Subjgrp 727 [§ 52.1845 - § 52.1846]
§ 52.1845 - Sizes of seedless raisins.
The size designations and measurement requirements for the respective sizes are:
(a) Select size raisins means that no more than 60 percent, by weight, of all the raisins will pass through round perforations 22/64-inch in diameter, but not more than 10 percent, by weight, of all the raisins may pass through round perforations 20/64-inch in diameter.
(b) Small size raisins means that 95 percent, by weight, of all the raisins will pass through round perforations 24/64-inch in diameter, and not less than 70 percent, by weight, of all raisins will pass through round perforations 22/64-inch in diameter.
(c) Mixed size raisins means a mixture that does not meet either the requirements for “select” size or for “small” size.