View all text of Subjgrp 705 [§ 52.34 - § 52.40]

§ 52.38c - Statistical sampling procedures for lot inspection of processed fruits and vegetables by attributes.

(a) General. Single sampling plans shall be used as the lot sampling plan for attributes standards under either of the following conditions:

(1) Sampling of the product shall be made during the production period. No grade will be assigned to individual sample units. One grade determination only will be made at the end of the production period for the inspection lot.

(2) Sampling of the product shall be made when the inspection lot is located in a warehouse, truck, railroad car, or other similar conveyance.

(b) Sample size. Samples shall be randomly selected from each inspection lot in the exact number of sample units indicated for the lot size in tables XI through XIV as applicable for canned, frozen, dried, or dehydrated fruits and vegetables.

Table XI—Canned or Similarly Processed Fruits, Vegetables, and Products Containing Units of Such Size and Character as To Be Readily Separable

[Lot sample size]

Container size group Lot size (number of containers) Group 1: Any type container of a volume not exceeding that of a No. 303 size can12,000 or less12,001-39,00039,001-84,00084,001-145,000 Group 2: Any type of container of a volume exceeding that of a No. 303 size can but not exceeding that of a No. 3 cylinder size can6,000 or less6,001-19,50019,501-42,00042,001-72,500 Group 3: Any type of container of a volume exceeding that of a No. 3 cylinder size can, but not exceeding that of a No. 12 size can3,000 or less3,001-9,7509,751-21,00021,001-36,250 Group 4: Any type of container of a volume exceeding that of a No. 12 Convert to equivalent number of 6-lb. net weight containers and use group 3 size can. Lot inspection: Sample size (number of sample units)6132129

Table XII—Frozen or Similarly Processed Fruits, Vegetables, and Products Containing Units of Such Size and Character as To Be Readily Separable

[Lot sample size]

Container size group Lot size (number of containers) Group 1: Any type of container of 1 lb or less net weight 9,600 or less9,601-31,20031,201-67,20067,201-116,000 Group 2: Any type of container over 1 lb but not over 2 1/2 lb net weight 4,800 or less4,801-15,60015,601-33,60033,601-58,000 Group 3: Any type of container over Convert to equivalent number of 2 1/2-lb. containers and use group 2 2 1/2 lbs. Lot inspection: Sample size (number of sample units) 6132129

Table XIII—Canned, Frozen, or Otherwise Processed Fruits, Vegetables, Related Products of a Comminuted, Fluid or Homogeneous State

[Lot sample size]

Container size group Lot size (number of containers) Group 1: Any type of container of 1 lb or less 18,000 or less18,001-58,50058,501-126,000126,001-217,000 Group 2: Any type of container exceeding 1 lb. but not exceeding 60 oz 12,000 or less12,001-39,00039,001-84,00084,001-145,000 Group 3: Any type of container exceeding 60 oz but not exceeding 10 lb 6,000 or less6,001-19,50019,501-42,00042,001-72,500 Group 4: Any type of container Convert to equivalent number of 6-lb. containers and use group 3. exceeding 10 lbs. Lot inspection: Sample size (number of sample units) 6132129

Table XIV—Dehydrated (Low-Moisture) Fruits, and Vegetables

[Lot sample size]

Container size group Lot size (number of containers) Group 1: Any type of container of 1 lb or less net weight 7,200 or less7,201-23,40023,401-50,40050,401-87,000 Group 2: Any type of container over 1 lb but not over 6 lb net weight 2,400 or less2,401-7,8007,801-16,80016,801-29,000 Group 3: Any type of container over 6 Convert to equivalent number of 5-lb. containers and use group 2. lbs. Lot inspection: Sample size (number of sample units) 6132129

(c) Determining compliance. (1) An inspection lot meets the requirements of a quality grade if the number of defects (or defectives) is equal to or less than the acceptance numbers of all classes of defects.

(2) An inspection lot fails the requirements of a quality grade if the number of defects (or defectives) exceeds the acceptance number for one or more classes of defects.

(d) Lot single sampling plans for processed fruits and vegetables. (1) Tables XV through XIX contain the lot single sampling plans for each of five different standard sample unit sizes. The plans within each table are listed according to increasing values of Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL's).

(2) AQL values of 10.0 or less may be expressed either in “defects per hundred units” or in “percent defective units.” The same sampling plans are used for both. Separate sampling plans must be used for AQL values greater than 10.0.

(3) A separate lot single sampling plan is chosen for each class of defects (or defectives) by first specifying the desired AQL, the appropriate standard sample unit size, and the number of sample units as specified in § 52.38c (b) of this subpart. The quality levels associated with the Pa=50% and Pa=10% levels are given in the instructional manual.

Table XV—Lot Single Sampling Plans

[Standard sample unit size=6]

Number of sample units 6 13 21 29 Acceptance numbers—quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units or percent defective—AQL 1.01234 1.51345 2.53468 4.046911 5.0471114 6.5591317 8.56111621 10.07121924 Quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units only 12.58152229 15.09172635 20.012223344 25.014274154 33.018345270 40.021406283 50.0254976102 65.0316297131 85.04080124168 100.04692144196 150.066135212288 250.0105218344469 Quality levels expressed as percent defective only 12.58152229 15.09172534 20.011213343 25.013263953 33.016325067 40.019385980 50.023467298

Table XVI—Lot Single Sampling Plans

[Standard sample unit size=13]

Number of sample units 6 13 21 29 Acceptance numbers—quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units or percent defective—AQL 0.651345 1.02467 1.535810 2.5481115 4.06111622 5.07132026 6.59172533 8.511213141 10.012243648 Quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units only 12.515294458 15.017345169 20.022436790 25.0275382110 33.03468106143 40.04081126171 50.04999156211 65.062127199271 85.080163257350 100.092190300409 Quality levels expressed as percent defective only 12.515284358 15.017335168 20.021426588 25.0265180108 33.03266103139 40.03878123166 50.04695150204

Table XVII—Lot Single Sampling Plans

[Standard sample unit size=25]

Number of sample units 6 13 21 29 Acceptance numbers—quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units or percent defective—AQL 0.42356 0.653578 1.046912 1.5591316 2.57131925 4.010192938 5.012233546 6.515294458 8.519365674 10.021426486 Quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units only 12.5265179106 15.0306093126 20.03978122165 25.04896150203 33.061124195265 40.073149234318 50.089183289394 65.0114235372507 Quality levels expressed as percent defective only 12.5255078105 15.0305992125 20.03877120163 25.04694148200 33.059121191260 40.070145228312 50.085177281385

Table XVIII—Lot Single Sampling Plans

[Standard sample unit size=50]

Number of sample units 6 13 21 29 Acceptance numbers—quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units or percent defective—AQL 0.151345 0.252457 0.435810 0.65481115 1.06111621 1.58152229 2.512233546 4.018345370 5.021426486 6.5275382110 8.53467105142 10.03978122165 Quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units only 12.54896150203 15.056114178242 20.073149234318 25.089183289394 33.0115239377514 40.0138287454620 50.0170355563769 Quality levels expressed as percent defective only 12.54795149202 15.055112177240 20.071147231315 25.087181286390 33.0112234372508 40.0134281446611 50.0164346552756

Table XIX—Lot Single Sampling Plans

[Standard sample unit size=100]

Number of sample units 6 13 21 29 Acceptance numbers—quality levels expressed as defects per 100 units or percent defective—AQL 0.12356 0.153468 0.2546912 0.4591317 0.657132026 1.010192938 1.514274154 2.521426486 4.0326499134 5.03978122165 6.54999156211 8.563128200272 10.073149234318 12.589183289394 15.0105218344469 20.0138287454620 25.0170355563769 33.02214637361,008 40.02665588881,216 50.03296921,1031,513 Quality levels expressed as percent defective only 12.588182287392 15.0104216342467 20.0136284450615 25.0167351558763 33.0217457728999 40.02605498771,203 50.03206801,0881,494
[43 FR 10542, Mar. 14, 1978. Redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981]