View all text of Subjgrp 43 [§ 2806.50 - § 2806.52]
§ 2806.50 - Rents and fees for solar and wind energy development.
If you hold a right-of-way for solar or wind energy development, you must pay an annual rent and fee in accordance with this section and subpart. The annual rent and fee is the greater of the acreage rent or the capacity fee that would be due in a given year, and must be paid in advance each year. The acreage rent will be calculated consistent with § 2806.11 and prorated consistent with § 2806.12(a). The capacity fee will vary depending on the project's annual energy generation on public lands and will be calculated consistent with § 2806.52(b). Any underpayment will be billed pursuant to § 2806.13 and any overpayment will be credited pursuant to § 2806.16.