Subpart 2806. Subpart 2806—Annual Rents and Payments
General Provisions
- SECTION § 2806.10 - What rent must I pay for my grant or lease?
- SECTION § 2806.11 - How will BLM charge me rent?
- SECTION § 2806.12 - When and where do I pay rent?
- SECTION § 2806.13 - What happens if I do not pay rents and fees or if I pay the rents or fees late?
- SECTION § 2806.14 - Under what circumstances am I exempt from paying rent?
- SECTION § 2806.15 - Under what circumstances may BLM waive or reduce my rent?
- SECTION § 2806.16 - When must I make estimated rent payments to BLM?
Linear Rights-of-Way
- SECTION § 2806.20 - What is the rent for a linear right-of-way grant?
- SECTION § 2806.21 - When and how are counties or other geographical areas assigned to a County Zone Number and Per Acre Zone Value?
- SECTION § 2806.22 - When and how does the Per Acre Rent Schedule change?
- SECTION § 2806.23 - How will the BLM calculate my rent for linear rights-of-way the Per Acre Rent Schedule covers?
- SECTION § 2806.24 - How must I make rental payments for a linear grant?
- SECTION § 2806.25 - How may I make rental payments when land encumbered by my perpetual linear grant (other than an easement issued under is being transferred out of Federal ownership?
- SECTION § 2806.26 - How may I make rental payments when land encumbered by my perpetual easement issued under is being transferred out of Federal ownership?
Solar and Wind Energy Development Rights-of-Way
—Renewable Energy Rights-of-Way
Other Rights-of-Way