View all text of Subjgrp 1032 [§ 62.14625a - § 62.14635a]
§ 62.14625a - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
(a) You must conduct an initial performance test to determine compliance with the emission limitations in tables 4 through 7 to this subpart, to establish compliance with any opacity operating limits in § 62.14605a(h), to establish the kiln-specific emission limit in § 62.14640a(y), as applicable, and to establish operating limits using the procedure in § 62.14605a or § 62.14610a. The initial performance test must be conducted using the test methods listed in tables 4 through 7 to this subpart and the procedures in § 62.14615a. The use of the bypass stack during a performance test shall invalidate the performance test.
(b) As an alternative to conducting a performance test, as required under §§ 62.14615a and 62.14600a, you may use a 30-day rolling average of the 1-hour arithmetic average CEMS data, including CEMS data during startup and shutdown as defined in this subpart, to determine compliance with the emission limitations in tables 4 through 7 to this subpart. You must conduct a performance evaluation of each continuous monitoring system within 180 days of installation of the monitoring system. The initial performance evaluation must be conducted prior to collecting CEMS data that will be used for the initial compliance demonstration.