Subpart IIIa. Subpart IIIa—Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units That Commenced Construction On or Before June 4, 2010, and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since August 7, 2013
- SECTION § 62.14510a - Am I subject to this subpart?
- SECTION § 62.14515a - Can my CISWI be covered by both a state plan and this subpart?
- SECTION § 62.14520a - How do I determine if my CISWI is covered by an approved and effective state or tribal plan?
- SECTION § 62.14525a - If my CISWI is not listed in the Federal plan inventory, am I exempt from this subpart?
- SECTION § 62.14530a - Can my combustion unit be exempt from this subpart?
Compliance Schedule
Waste Management Plan
Operator Training and Qualification
- SECTION § 62.14565a - What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
- SECTION § 62.14570a - When must the operator training course be completed?
- SECTION § 62.14575a - How do I obtain my operator qualification?
- SECTION § 62.14580a - How do I maintain my operator qualification?
- SECTION § 62.14585a - How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
- SECTION § 62.14590a - What site-specific documentation is required?
- SECTION § 62.14595a - What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
- SECTION § 62.14600a - What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
- SECTION § 62.14605a - What operating limits must I meet and by when?
- SECTION § 62.14610a - What if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction, an electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?
Performance Testing
Initial Compliance Requirements
- SECTION § 62.14625a - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
- SECTION § 62.14630a - By what date must I conduct the initial performance test?
- SECTION § 62.14635a - By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution control device inspection?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
- SECTION § 62.14640a - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations and the operating limits?
- SECTION § 62.14645a - By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
- SECTION § 62.14650a - By what date must I conduct the annual air pollution control device inspection?
- SECTION § 62.14655a - May I conduct performance testing less often?
- SECTION § 62.14660a - May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits?
Recordkeeping and Reporting
- SECTION § 62.14675a - What records must I keep?
- SECTION § 62.14680a - Where and in what format must I keep my records?
- SECTION § 62.14685a - What reports must I submit?
- SECTION § 62.14690a - When must I submit my waste management plan?
- SECTION § 62.14695a - What information must I submit following my initial performance test?
- SECTION § 62.14700a - When must I submit my annual report?
- SECTION § 62.14705a - What information must I include in my annual report?
- SECTION § 62.14710a - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?
- SECTION § 62.14715a - What must I include in the deviation report?
- SECTION § 62.14720a - What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
- SECTION § 62.14725a - Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit?
- SECTION § 62.14730a -
- SECTION § 62.14735a - Can reporting dates be changed?
Air Curtain Incinerators (ACIs)
- SECTION § 62.14740a - What is an air curtain incinerator?
- SECTION § 62.14745a - What must I do if I close my air curtain incinerator and then restart it?
- SECTION § 62.14750a - What must I do if I plan to permanently close my air curtain incinerator and not restart it?
- SECTION § 62.14755a - What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators?
- SECTION § 62.14760a - How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators?
- SECTION § 62.14765a - What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators?
Title V Requirements
Delegation of Authority