View all text of Subjgrp 212 [§ 63.1964 - § 63.1975]

§ 63.1975 - How do I calculate the 3-hour block average used to demonstrate compliance?

Before September 28, 2021, averages are calculated in the same way as they are calculated in § 60.758(b)(2)(i) of this subchapter for average combustion temperature and § 60.758(c) for 3-hour average combustion temperature for enclosed combustors, except that the data collected during the events listed in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section are not to be included in any average computed under this subpart. Beginning no later than September 27, 2021, averages are calculated according to § 63.1983(b)(2)(i) for average combustion temperature and § 63.1983(c)(1)(i) for 3-hour average combustion temperature for enclosed combustors, except that the data collected during the event listed in paragraph (a) of this section are not to be included in any average computed under this subpart.

(a) Monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments.

(b) Startups.

(c) Shutdowns.

(d) Malfunctions.

[85 FR 17261, Mar. 26, 2020, as amended at 87 FR 8204, Feb. 14, 2022]