Subpart G. Subpart G—Plans and Information Requirements
- § 585.600 - What plans must I submit to BOEM before I conduct activities on my lease or grant?
- § 585.601 - When must I submit my plans to BOEM?
- §§ 585.602-585.604 - §[Reserved]
Site Assessment Plan and Information Requirements for Commercial Leases
Contents of the Site Assessment Plan
- SECTION § 585.610 - What must I include in my SAP?
- SECTION § 585.611 - What information and certifications must I submit with my SAP to assist BOEM in complying with NEPA and other applicable laws?
- SECTION § 585.612 - How will my SAP be processed for Federal consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act?
- SECTION § 585.613 - How will BOEM process my SAP?
Activities under an Approved SAP
- SECTION § 585.614 - When may I begin conducting activities under my approved SAP?
- SECTION § 585.615 - What other reports or notices must I submit to BOEM under my approved SAP?
- SECTION § 585.616 - [Reserved]
- SECTION § 585.617 - What activities require a revision to my SAP, and when will BOEM approve the revision?
- SECTION § 585.618 - What must I do upon completion of approved site assessment activities?
- SECTION § 585.619 - [Reserved]
Contents of the Construction and Operations Plan
Activities under an Approved COP
- SECTION § 585.631 - When must I initiate activities under an approved COP?
- SECTION § 585.632 - What documents must I submit before I may construct and install facilities under my approved COP?
- SECTION § 585.633 - [Reserved]
- SECTION § 585.634 - What activities require a revision to my COP, and when will BOEM approve the revision?
- SECTION § 585.635 - What must I do if I cease activities approved in my COP before the end of my commercial lease?
- SECTION §§ 585.636-585.639 - §[Reserved]
General Activities Plan Requirements for Limited Leases, ROW Grants, and RUE Grants
Contents of the General Activities Plan
- SECTION § 585.645 - What must I include in my GAP?
- SECTION § 585.646 - What information and certifications must I submit with my GAP to assist BOEM in complying with NEPA and other applicable laws?
- SECTION § 585.647 - How will my GAP be processed for Federal consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act?
- SECTION § 585.648 - How will BOEM process my GAP?
- SECTION § 585.649 - [Reserved]
Activities under an Approved GAP
- SECTION § 585.650 - When may I begin conducting activities under my GAP?
- SECTION § 585.651 - When may I construct complex or significant OCS facilities on my limited lease or any facilities on my project easement proposed under my GAP?
- SECTION § 585.652 - How long do I have to conduct activities under an approved GAP?
- SECTION § 585.653 - What other reports or notices must I submit to BOEM under my approved GAP?
- SECTION § 585.654 - [Reserved]
- SECTION § 585.655 - What activities require a revision to my GAP, and when will BOEM approve the revision?
- SECTION § 585.656 - What must I do if I cease activities approved in my GAP before the end of my term?
- SECTION § 585.657 - What must I do upon completion of approved activities under my GAP?
Cable and Pipeline Deviations
Environmental Protection Requirements Under Approved Plans
- SECTION § 585.700 - What requirements must I include in my SAP, COP, or GAP regarding air quality?
- SECTION § 585.701 - How must I conduct my approved activities to protect marine mammals, threatened and endangered species, and designated critical habitat?
- SECTION § 585.702 - What must I do if I discover a potential archaeological resource while conducting my approved activities?
- SECTION § 585.703 - How must I conduct my approved activities to protect essential fish habitats identified and described under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act?