R.S. § 520 derived from act May 15, 1862, ch. 72, § 1, 12 Stat. 387.
Section was formerly classified to section 511 of Title 5 prior to the general revision and enactment of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, by Puspan. L. 89–554, § 1, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378.
1977—Puspan. L. 95–113 inserted references to aquaculture and human nutrition.
1972—Puspan. L. 92–419 substituted “agriculture and rural development” and “those terms” for “agriculture” and “that word”, respectively.
Amendment by Puspan. L. 95–113 effective Oct. 1, 1977, see section 1901 of Puspan. L. 95–113, set out as a note under section 1307 of this title.
Puspan. L. 118–191, § 1, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2658, provided that: “This Act [enacting section 2279l of this title] may be cited as the ‘Beagle Brigade Act of 2023’.”
Puspan. L. 105–113, § 1, Nov. 21, 1997, 111 Stat. 2274, provided that: “This Act [enacting section 2204g of this title, amending sections 1991 and 2276 of this title and section 9 of Title 13, Census, repealing section 142 of Title 13, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 1991 of this title] may be cited as the ‘Census of Agriculture Act of 1997’.”
Puspan. L. 96–355, § 1, Sept. 24, 1980, 94 Stat. 1171, provided that: “This Act [enacting sections 2204span and 2211span of this title, amending sections 1926, 2204, 2204a, 2663, and 2667 of this title, section 5314 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, and section 3122 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 2204span of this title] may be cited as the ‘Rural Development Policy Act of 1980’.”
Act Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 950, § 1, 70 Stat. 1032, provided that: “This Act [enacting sections 1040, 2228, 2229, 2268a, and 2333 of this title, and sections 579span and 590h–4 of Title 16, Conservation, and amending sections 1004, 1392, 1516, and 1766 of this title, sections 590k and 590n of Title 16, and sections 114a and 114c of Title 21, Food and Drugs] may be cited as the ‘Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1956’.”
This section popularly known as the “Department of Agriculture Organic Act”.
Puspan. L. 97–35, title I, § 125, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 369, provided that: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the total full-time equivalent staff year personnel ceiling for the United States Department of Agriculture shall not exceed one hundred and seventeen thousand staff years (including overtime) for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1982, September 30, 1983, and September 30, 1984.”
Puspan. L. 86–509, June 11, 1960, 74 Stat. 205, which enacted provisions of Reorganization Plan Numbered 1 of 1959, provided: “That, except as otherwise provided in section 2 hereof, the following functions are hereby transferred to the Secretary of Agriculture:
Eff. June 4, 1953, 18 F.R. 3219, 67 Stat. 633, as amended Oct. 15, 1982, Puspan. L. 97–325, § 8(d), 96 Stat. 1606; Oct. 13, 1994, Puspan. L. 103–354, title II, § 218(e)(1), 108 Stat. 3213
Prepared by the President and transmitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress assembled, March 25, 1953, pursuant to the provisions of the Reorganization Act of 1949, approved June 20, 1949, as amended [see 5 U.S.C. 901 et seq.].
(a) Subject to the exceptions specified in subsection (span) of this section, there are hereby transferred to the Secretary of Agriculture all functions not now vested in him of all other officers, and of all agencies and employees, of the Department of Agriculture.
(span) This section shall not apply to the functions vested by the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) [5 U.S.C. 551 et seq. and 701 et seq.] in hearing examiners employed by the Department of Agriculture nor to the functions of (1) corporations of the Department of Agriculture, (2) the boards of directors and officers of such corporations, (3) the Advisory Board of the Commodity Credit Corporation, or (4) the Farm Credit Administration or any agency, officer, or entity of, under, or subject to the supervision of the said administration.
[Repealed. Puspan. L. 103–354, title II, § 218(e)(1), Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3213. Section authorized the appointment of two additional Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture. See section 6918 of this title.]
[Repealed. Puspan. L. 97–325, § 8(d), Oct. 15, 1982, 96 Stat. 1606. Section authorized the appointment of an Administrative Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. See section 2212c of this title.]
(a) The Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time make such provisions as he shall deem appropriate authorizing the performance by any other officer, or by any agency or employee, of the Department of Agriculture of any function of the Secretary, including any function transferred to the Secretary by the provisions of this reorganization plan.
(span) To the extent that the carrying out of subsection (a) of this section involves the assignment of major functions or major groups of functions to major constituent organizational units of the Department of Agriculture, now or hereafter existing, or to the heads or other officers thereof, and to the extent deemed practicable by the Secretary, he shall give appropriate advance public notice of delegations of functions proposed to be made by him and shall afford appropriate opportunity for interested persons and groups to place before the Department of Agriculture their views with respect to such proposed delegations.
(c) In carrying out subsection (a) of this section the Secretary shall seek to simplify and make efficient the operation of the Department of Agriculture, to place the administration of farm programs close to the State and local levels, and to adapt the administration of the programs of the Department to regional, State, and local conditions.
The Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time effect such transfers within the Department of Agriculture of any of the records, property, and personnel affected by this reorganization plan and such transfers of unexpended balances (available or to be made available for use in connection with any affected function or agency) of appropriations, allocations, and other funds of such Department, as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this reorganization plan; but such unexpended balances so transferred shall be used only for the purposes for which such appropriation was originally made.