View all text of Chapter 3027 [§ 302701 - § 302706]
§ 302704. Contracts and cooperative agreementsAt the request of an Indian tribe whose preservation program has been approved to assume functions and responsibilities pursuant to section 302702 of this title
(1) the Secretary and the Indian tribe agree on additional financial assistance, if any, to the Indian tribe for the costs of carrying out those authorities;
(2) the Secretary finds that the tribal historic preservation program has been demonstrated to be sufficient to carry out the contract or cooperative agreement and this division; and
(3) the contract or cooperative agreement specifies the continuing responsibilities of the Secretary or of the appropriate State Historic Preservation Officers and provides for appropriate participation by—
(A) the Indian tribe’s traditional cultural authorities;
(B) representatives of other Indian tribes whose traditional land is under the jurisdiction of the Indian tribe assuming responsibilities; and
(C) the interested public.
(Pub. L. 113–287, § 3, Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3200.)