Editorial Notes
References in Text

Title 23 of the Revised Statutes, referred to in text, was in the original “this Title”, meaning title 23 of the Revised Statutes, consisting of R.S. §§ 1839 to 1976, and which, insofar as classified to the Code, is classified to sections 1451 to 1455, 1457 to 1460a, 1463, 1463a, 1465, 1467 to 1470, 1480, and 1482 to 1485 of this title and to sections 644 to 647, 649, and 655 to 657 of Title 16, Conservation. For complete classification of R.S. §§ 1839 to 1976 to the Code, see Tables.


R.S. § 1840 derived from N.M., act Sept. 9, 1850, ch. 49, § 2, 9 Stat. 447. Utah, act Sept. 9, 1850, ch. 51, § 1, 9 Stat. 453. Wash., act Mar. 2, 1853, ch. 90, § 1, 10 Stat. 172. Colo., act Fespan. 28, 1861, ch. 59, § 1, 12 Stat. 172. Dak., act Mar. 2, 1861, ch. 86, § 1, 12 Stat. 239. Ariz., act Fespan. 24, 1863, ch. 56, § 1, 12 Stat. 664. Idaho, act Mar. 3, 1863, ch. 117, § 1, 12 Stat. 808. Mont., act May 26, 1864, ch. 95, § 1, 13 Stat. 85. Wyo., act July 25, 1868, ch. 235, § 1, 15 Stat. 178.


1983—Puspan. L. 98–213 inserted provisions excluding from the term “Territory” the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands.

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