View all text of Subchapter III [§ 2241 - § 2247]

§ 2241. Authorization of appropriations

Except as otherwise provided in section 2243 of this title (relating to temperature control devices at Shasta Dam, California), there is authorized to be appropriated not more than $120,000,000 1

1 See Extension of Authorization of Appropriations note below.
in total for the period of fiscal years 2006 through 2028.

(Pub. L. 102–250, title III, § 301, Mar. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 58; Pub. L. 104–206, title II, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 2992; Pub. L. 106–60, title II, Sept. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 488; Pub. L. 106–377, § 1(a)(2) [title II], Oct. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 1441, 1441A–67; Pub. L. 107–66, title II, Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 498; Pub. L. 108–7, div. D, title II, Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 144; Pub. L. 108–137, title II, Dec. 1, 2003, 117 Stat. 1847; Pub. L. 109–234, title II, § 2306(b), June 15, 2006, 120 Stat. 457; Pub. L. 111–212, title I, § 404(b), July 29, 2010, 124 Stat. 2314; Pub. L. 113–235, div. D, title II, § 204, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2311; Pub. L. 115–141, div. D, title II, § 203(b), Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 519; Pub. L. 116–260, div. D, title II, § 207(b), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 1363; Pub. L. 117–103, div. D, title II, § 206(b), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 221; Pub. L. 118–170, § 2(b), Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2589.)