View all text of Subparti [§ 300ff-11 - § 300ff-18]

§ 300ff–13. Type and distribution of grants
(a) Grants based on relative need of area
(1) In general
(2) Expedited distribution
(3) Amount of grant
(A) In general
Subject to the extent of amounts made available in appropriations Acts, a grant made for purposes of this paragraph to an eligible area shall be made in an amount equal to the product of—
(i) an amount equal to the amount available for distribution under paragraph (2) for the fiscal year involved; and
(ii) the percentage constituted by the ratio of the distribution factor for the eligible area to the sum of the respective distribution factors for all eligible areas;
which product shall then, as applicable, be increased under paragraph (4).
(B) Distribution factor
(C) Living cases of HIV/AIDS
(i) Requirement of names-based reporting
(ii) Transition period; exemption regarding non-AIDS cases
For each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2012, an eligible area is, subject to clauses (iii) through (v), exempt from the requirement under clause (i) that living names-based non-AIDS cases of HIV be reported unless—
(I) a system was in operation as of December 31, 2005, that provides sufficiently accurate and reliable names-based reporting of such cases throughout the State in which the area is located, subject to clause (viii); or(II) no later than the beginning of fiscal year 2008 or a subsequent fiscal year through fiscal year 2012, the Secretary, in consultation with the chief executive of the State in which the area is located, determines that a system has become operational in the State that provides sufficiently accurate and reliable names-based reporting of such cases throughout the State.
(iii) Requirements for exemption for fiscal year 2007
For fiscal year 2007, an exemption under clause (ii) for an eligible area applies only if, by October 1, 2006
(I)(aa) the State in which the area is located had submitted to the Secretary a plan for making the transition to sufficiently accurate and reliable names-based reporting of living non-AIDS cases of HIV; or(bb) all statutory changes necessary to provide for sufficiently accurate and reliable reporting of such cases had been made; and(II) the State had agreed that, by April 1, 2008, the State will begin accurate and reliable names-based reporting of such cases, except that such agreement is not required to provide that, as of such date, the system for such reporting be fully sufficient with respect to accuracy and reliability throughout the area.
(iv) Requirement for exemption as of fiscal year 2008
(v) Progress toward names-based reporting
(vi) Counting of cases in areas with exemptions(I) In general(II) Adjustment rate(III) Increased adjustment for certain areas previously using code-based reporting
For purposes of this subparagraph for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2012, the Secretary shall deem the applicable number of living cases of HIV/AIDS in an area that were reported to and confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be 3 percent higher than the actual number if—
(aa) for fiscal year 2007, such area was a transitional area;(bb) fiscal year 2007 was the first year in which the count of living non-AIDS cases of HIV in such area, for purposes of this section, was based on a names-based reporting system; and(cc) the amount of funding that such area received under this part for fiscal year 2007 was less than 70 percent of the amount of funding (exclusive of funds that were identified as being for purposes of the Minority AIDS Initiative) that such area received under such part for fiscal year 2006.
(vii) Multiple political jurisdictions
With respect to living non-AIDS cases of HIV, if an eligible area is not entirely within one political jurisdiction and as a result is subject to more than one reporting system for purposes of this subparagraph:
(I) Names-based reporting under clause (i) applies in a jurisdictional portion of the area, or an exemption under clause (ii) applies in such portion (subject to applicable provisions of this subparagraph), according to whether names-based reporting or code-based reporting is used in such portion.(II) If under subclause (I) both names-based reporting and code-based reporting apply in the area, the number of code-based cases shall be reduced under clause (vi).
(viii) List of eligible areas meeting standard regarding December 31, 2005(I) In general(II) Relevant States
(ix) Rules of construction regarding acceptance of reports(I) Cases of AIDS(II) Applicability of exemption requirements
(x) Program for detecting inaccurate or fraudulent counting
(xi) Future fiscal years
(D) Code-based areas; limitation on increase in grant
(i) In general
For each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2012, if code-based reporting (within the meaning of subparagraph (C)(vi)) applies in an eligible area or any portion thereof as of the beginning of the fiscal year involved, then notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph, the amount of the grant pursuant to this paragraph for such area for such fiscal year may not—
(I) for fiscal year 2007, exceed by more than 5 percent the amount of the grant for the area that would have been made pursuant to this paragraph and paragraph (4) for fiscal year 2006 (as such paragraphs were in effect for such fiscal year) if paragraph (2) (as so in effect) had been applied by substituting “66⅔ percent” for “50 percent”; and(II) for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2012, exceed by more than 5 percent the amount of the grant pursuant to this paragraph and paragraph (4) for the area for the preceding fiscal year.
(ii) Use of amounts involved
(4) Increases in grant
(A) In general
For each eligible area that received a grant pursuant to this subsection for fiscal year 2009, the Secretary shall, for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 2013, increase the amount of the grant made pursuant to paragraph (3) for the area to ensure that the amount of the grant for the fiscal year involved is not less than the following amount, as applicable to such fiscal year:
(i) For fiscal year 2010, an amount equal to 95 percent of the sum of the amount of the grant made pursuant to paragraph (3) and this paragraph for fiscal year 2009.
(ii) For each of the fiscal years 2011 and 2012, an amount equal to 100 percent of the amount of the grant made pursuant to paragraph (3) and this paragraph for fiscal year 2010.
(iii) For fiscal year 2013, an amount equal to 92.5 percent of the amount of the grant made pursuant to paragraph (3) and this paragraph for fiscal year 2012.
(B) Source of funds for increase
(i) In general
(ii) Pro rata reduction
(C) Limitation
(b) Supplemental grants
(1) In general
Subject to subsection (a)(4)(B)(i) and section 300ff–20(d) of this title, the Secretary shall disburse the remainder of amounts not disbursed under subsection (a)(2) for such fiscal year for the purpose of making grants under section 300ff–11(a) of this title to eligible areas whose application under section 300ff–15(b) of this title
(A) contains a report concerning the dissemination of emergency relief funds under subsection (a) and the plan for utilization of such funds;
(B) demonstrates the need in such area, on an objective and quantified basis, for supplemental financial assistance to combat the HIV epidemic;
(C) demonstrates the existing commitment of local resources of the area, both financial and in-kind, to combating the HIV epidemic;
(D) demonstrates the ability of the area to utilize such supplemental financial resources in a manner that is immediately responsive and cost effective;
(E) demonstrates that resources will be allocated in accordance with the local demographic incidence of AIDS including appropriate allocations for services for infants, children, youth, women, and families with HIV/AIDS;
(F) demonstrates the inclusiveness of affected communities and individuals with HIV/AIDS;
(G) demonstrates the manner in which the proposed services are consistent with the local needs assessment and the statewide coordinated statement of need;
(H) demonstrates the ability of the applicant to expend funds efficiently by not having had, for the most recent grant year under subsection (a) for which data is available, more than 5 percent of grant funds under such subsection canceled, offset under subsection (c)(4), or covered by any waivers under subsection (c)(3); and
(I) demonstrates success in identifying individuals with HIV/AIDS as described in clauses (i) through (iii) of paragraph (2)(A).
(2) Amount of grant
(A) In general
The amount of each grant made for purposes of this subsection shall be determined by the Secretary based on a weighting of factors under paragraph (1), with demonstrated need under subparagraph (B) of such paragraph counting one-third, and demonstrated success in identifying individuals with HIV/AIDS who do not know their HIV status and making them aware of such status counting one-third. In making such determination, the Secretary shall consider—
(i) the number of individuals who have been tested for HIV/AIDS;
(ii) of those individuals described in clause (i), the number of individuals who tested for HIV/AIDS who are made aware of their status, including the number who test positive; and
(iii) of those individuals described in clause (ii), the number who have been referred to appropriate treatment and care.
(B) Demonstrated need
The factors considered by the Secretary in determining whether an eligible area has a demonstrated need for purposes of paragraph (1)(B) may include any or all of the following:
(i) The unmet need for such services, as determined under section 300ff–12(b)(4) of this title or other community input process as defined under section 300ff–19(d)(1)(A) of this title.
(ii) An increasing need for HIV/AIDS-related services, including relative rates of increase in the number of cases of HIV/AIDS.
(iii) The relative rates of increase in the number of cases of HIV/AIDS within new or emerging subpopulations.
(iv) The current prevalence of HIV/AIDS.
(v) Relevant factors related to the cost and complexity of delivering health care to individuals with HIV/AIDS in the eligible area.
(vi) The impact of co-morbid factors, including co-occurring conditions, determined relevant by the Secretary.
(vii) The prevalence of homelessness.
(viii) The prevalence of individuals described under section 300ff–12(b)(2)(M) of this title.
(ix) The relevant factors that limit access to health care, including geographic variation, adequacy of health insurance coverage, and language barriers.
(x) The impact of a decline in the amount received pursuant to subsection (a) on services available to all individuals with HIV/AIDS identified and eligible under this subchapter.
(C) Priority in making grants
(D) Increased adjustment for certain areas previously using code-based reporting
(3) Remainder of amounts
In determining the amount of funds to be obligated under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall include amounts that are not paid to the eligible areas under expedited procedures under subsection (a)(2) as a result of—
(A) the failure of any eligible area to submit an application under section 300ff–15(c) 1 of this title; or
(B) any eligible area informing the Secretary that such eligible area does not intend to expend the full amount of its grant under such section.
(4) Failure to submit
(A) In general
(B) Application
(c) Timeframe for obligation and expenditure of grant funds
(1) Obligation by end of grant year
(2) Supplemental grants; cancellation of unobligated balance of grant award
Effective for fiscal year 2007 and subsequent fiscal years, if a grant award made pursuant to subsection (b) for an eligible area for a fiscal year has an unobligated balance as of the end of the grant year for the award—
(A) the Secretary shall cancel that unobligated balance of the award, and shall require the eligible area to return any amounts from such balance that have been disbursed to the area; and
(B) the funds involved shall be made available by the Secretary as additional amounts for grants pursuant to subsection (b) for the first fiscal year beginning after the fiscal year in which the Secretary obtains the information necessary for determining that the balance is required under subparagraph (A) to be canceled, except that the availability of the funds for such grants is subject to subsection (a)(4) and section 300ff–20(d)(2) of this title as applied for such year.
(3) Formula grants; cancellation of unobligated balance of grant award; waiver permitting carryover
(A) In general
Effective for fiscal year 2007 and subsequent fiscal years, if a grant award made pursuant to subsection (a) for an eligible area for a fiscal year has an unobligated balance as of the end of the grant year for the award, the Secretary shall cancel that unobligated balance of the award, and shall require the eligible area to return any amounts from such balance that have been disbursed to the area, unless—
(i) before the end of the grant year, the chief elected official of the area submits to the Secretary a written application for a waiver of the cancellation, which application includes a description of the purposes for which the area intends to expend the funds involved; and
(ii) the Secretary approves the waiver.
(B) Expenditure by end of carryover year
With respect to a waiver under subparagraph (A) that is approved for a balance that is unobligated as of the end of a grant year for an award:
(i) The unobligated funds are available for expenditure by the eligible area involved for the one-year period beginning upon the expiration of the grant year (referred to in this subsection as the “carryover year”).
(ii) If the funds are not expended by the end of the carryover year, the Secretary shall cancel that unexpended balance of the award, and shall require the eligible area to return any amounts from such balance that have been disbursed to the area.
(C) Use of cancelled balances
(D) Corresponding reduction in future grant
(i) In general
In the case of an eligible area for which a balance from a grant award under subsection (a) is unobligated as of the end of the grant year for the award—
(I) the Secretary shall reduce, by the same amount as such unobligated balance (less any amount of such balance that is the subject of a waiver of cancellation under subparagraph (A)), the amount of the grant under such subsection for the first fiscal year beginning after the fiscal year in which the Secretary obtains the information necessary for determining that such balance was unobligated as of the end of the grant year (which requirement for a reduction applies without regard to whether a waiver under subparagraph (A) has been approved with respect to such balance); and(II) the grant funds involved in such reduction shall be made available by the Secretary as additional funds for grants pursuant to subsection (b) for such first fiscal year, subject to subsection (a)(4) and section 300ff–20(d)(2) of this title;
 except that this clause does not apply to the eligible area if the amount of the unobligated balance was 5 percent or less.
(ii) Relation to increases in grant
(4) Authority regarding administration of provisions
(d) Compliance with priorities of HIV planning council
(e) Report on the awarding of supplemental funds
Not later than 45 days after the awarding of supplemental funds under this section, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report concerning such funds. Such report shall include information detailing—
(1) the total amount of supplemental funds available under this section for the year involved;
(2) the amount of supplemental funds used in accordance with the hold harmless provisions of subsection (a)(4);
(3) the amount of supplemental funds disbursed pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(C);
(4) the disbursement of the remainder of the supplemental funds after taking into account the uses described in paragraphs (2) and (3); and
(5) the rationale used for the amount of funds disbursed as described under paragraphs (2), (3), and (4).
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVI, § 2603, as added Pub. L. 101–381, title I, § 101(3), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 578; amended Pub. L. 101–502, § 6(a), Nov. 3, 1990, 104 Stat. 1289; Pub. L. 102–531, title III, § 312(d)(27), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3506; Pub. L. 104–146, §§ 3(b)(2), (3), 4, 6(c)(1), 12(c)(2), May 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1349, 1350, 1364, 1367, 1373; Pub. L. 106–345, title I, §§ 102(d), 111, 112, Oct. 20, 2000, 114 Stat. 1323, 1326; Pub. L. 109–415, title I, §§ 102–104, 107(b), title VII, §§ 702(3), 703, Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2768–2774, 2783, 2820; Pub. L. 111–87, §§ 2(a)(1), (3)(A), 3(a), 5(a), 6(b), 7(a), 8(a)(1), (b)(1)(A), (2)(A), (C), (c)(1), Oct. 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 2885, 2888, 2890, 2892–2894.)