View all text of Part G [§ 290hh - § 290hh-1]

§ 290hh. Children and violence
(a) In general
(b) ActivitiesUnder the program under subsection (a), the Secretary may—
(1) provide financial support to enable local communities to implement programs to foster the health and development of children;
(2) provide technical assistance to local communities with respect to the development of programs described in paragraph (1);
(3) provide assistance to local communities in the development of policies to address violence when and if it occurs;
(4) assist in the creation of community partnerships among law enforcement, education systems and mental health and substance abuse service systems; and
(5) establish mechanisms for children and adolescents to report incidents of violence or plans by other children or adolescents to commit violence.
(c) RequirementsAn application for a grant, contract or cooperative agreement under subsection (a) shall demonstrate that—
(1) the applicant will use amounts received to create a partnership described in subsection (b)(4) to address issues of violence in schools;
(2) the activities carried out by the applicant will provide a comprehensive method for addressing violence, that will include—
(A) security;
(B) educational reform;
(C) the review and updating of school policies;
(D) alcohol and drug abuse prevention and early intervention services;
mental health prevention and treatment services; and
(F) early childhood development and psychosocial services; and
(3) the applicant will use amounts received only for the services described in subparagraphs (D), (E), and (F) of paragraph (2).
(d) Geographical distribution
(e) Duration of awards
(f) Evaluation
(g) Information and education
(h) Authorization of appropriations
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, § 581, as added Pub. L. 106–310, div. B, title XXXI, § 3101, Oct. 17, 2000, 114 Stat. 1168.)