View all text of Part A [§ 18931 - § 18940]
§ 18931. Engineering biology and biometrology
(a) In general
(1) support basic measurement science and technology research for engineering biology, biomanufacturing, and biometrology to advance—
(A) measurement technologies to support foundational understanding of the mechanisms of conversion of DNA information into cellular function;
(B) technologies for measurement of such biomolecular components and related systems;
(C) new data tools, techniques, and processes to improve engineering biology, biomanufacturing, and biometrology research; and
(D) other areas of measurement science and technology research determined by the Director to be critical to the development and deployment of engineering biology, biomanufacturing and biometrology;
(2) support activities to inform and expand the development of measurements infrastructure needed to develop technical standards to establish interoperability and facilitate commercial development of biomolecular measurement technology and engineering biology applications;
(3) convene industry, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, Federal laboratories, and other Federal agencies engaged in engineering biology research and development to develop coordinated technical roadmaps for authoritative measurement of the molecular components of the cell;
(4) provide access to user facilities with advanced or unique equipment, services, materials, and other resources to industry, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to perform research and testing;
(5) establish or expand collaborative partnerships or consortia with other Federal agencies engaged in engineering biology research and development, institutions of higher education, Federal laboratories, and industry to advance engineering biology applications; and
(6) support graduate and postgraduate research and training in biometrology, biomanufacturing, and engineering biology.
(b) Rule of construction
(c) Controls
(Pub. L. 117–167, div. B, title II, § 10221, Aug. 9, 2022, 136 Stat. 1474.)