View all text of Subchapter IX [§ 17381 - § 17392]
§ 17390. Voluntary model pathways
(a) Establishment of voluntary model pathways
(1) EstablishmentNot later than 90 days after December 27, 2020, the Secretary of Energy (in this section referred to as the “Secretary”), in consultation with the steering committee established under paragraph (3), shall initiate the development of voluntary model pathways for modernizing the electric grid through a collaborative, public-private effort that—
(A) produces illustrative policy pathways encompassing a diverse range of technologies that can be adapted for State and regional applications by regulators and policymakers;
(B) facilitates the modernization of the electric grid and associated communications networks to achieve the objectives described in paragraph (2);
(C) ensures a reliable, resilient, affordable, safe, and secure electric grid; and
(D) acknowledges and accounts for different priorities, electric systems, and rate structures across States and regions.
(2) ObjectivesThe pathways established under paragraph (1) shall facilitate achievement of as many of the following objectives as practicable:
(A) Near real-time situational awareness of the electric system.
(B) Data visualization.
(C) Advanced monitoring and control of the advanced electric grid.
(D) Enhanced certainty of policies for investment in the electric grid.
(E) Increased innovation.
(F) Greater consumer empowerment.
(G) Enhanced grid resilience, reliability, and robustness.
(H) Improved—
(i) integration of distributed energy resources;
(ii) interoperability of the electric system; and
(iii) predictive modeling and capacity forecasting.
(I) Reduced cost of service for consumers.
(J) Diversification of generation sources.
(3) Steering committeeNot later than 90 days after December 27, 2020, the Secretary shall establish a steering committee to help develop the pathways under paragraph (1), to be composed of members appointed by the Secretary, consisting of persons with appropriate expertise representing a diverse range of interests in the public, private, and academic sectors, including representatives of—
(A) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
(B) the National Laboratories;
(C) States;
(D) State regulatory authorities;
(E) transmission organizations;
(F) representatives of all sectors of the electric power industry;
(G) institutions of higher education;
(H) independent research institutes; and
(I) other entities.
(b) Technical assistance
(Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VIII, § 8008, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2586.)