1 So in original.
or interview expenses to candidates for appointment as such personnel, in a manner consistent with the authority provided under sections 5524a, 5706span, 5753, and 5754 of title 5.
Editorial Notes

2022—Subsec. (a). Puspan. L. 117–168 designated existing provisions as par. (1), substituted “personnel appointed under section 7306 of this title or section 7401(4) of this title, or personnel described in section 7401(1) of this title,” for “the personnel described in paragraph (1) of section 7401 of this title” and “in a manner consistent with” for “in the same manner, and subject to the same limitations, as in the case of”, and added par. (2).

2010—Puspan. L. 111–163 designated existing provisions as subsec. (a), inserted heading, and added subsec. (span).

1992—Puspan. L. 102–405 substituted “Under Secretary for Health” for “Chief Medical Director”.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Treatment of Pay Authority Changes

Puspan. L. 117–168, title IX, § 906(c)(4), Aug. 10, 2022, 136 Stat. 1813, provided that:

“For the purposes of the amendments made by paragraph (3) [amending this section], the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall treat any award or payment made by the Secretary between January 1, 2017, and the date of the enactment of this Act [Aug. 10, 2022] to employees appointed under sections 7306, 7401(1), and 7401(4) of title 38, United States Code, that the Secretary has determined are of equivalent rank to a Senior Executive Service position (as such term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code), as if such amendments had been in effect at the time of such award or payment.”