View all text of Subchapter XI [§ 12631 - § 12633]

§ 12633. Flexibility in making of appropriations
(a) Federal law enforcement
(b) State and local law enforcement
(c) Prevention
(d) Definitions
In this section—“Federal law enforcement program” means a program authorized in any of the following sections:
(1) section 190001(a); 1
1 See References in Text note below.
(2) section 190001(b); 1
(3) section 190001(c); 1
(4) section 190001(d); 1
(5) section 190001(e); 1
(6) section 320925; 2
2 So in original. Pub. L. 103–322 does not contain a section 320925.
(7)section 12532 of this title;
(8)section 12611 of this title;
(9) section 130002; 1
(10) section 130005; 1
(11) section 130006; 1
(12) section 130007; 1
(13) section 250005; 1
(14) sections 12591–12593 of this title and section 14134 of title 42;
(15)section 14083 of title 42; and
(16)section 14199 of title 42.
“State and local law enforcement program” means a program authorized in any of the following sections:
(1) sections 10001–10003; 1
(2) section 210201; 1
(3) section 210603; 1
(4) section 180101; 1
(5)section 12542 of this title;
(6) sections 12221–12227 of this title and section 13867 of title 42;
(7) section 14161 1 of title 42;
(8) sections 12171 of this title and section 13812 of title 42;
(9) section 210302; 1
(10) section 14151 1 of title 42;
(11) section 210101;
(12) section 320930; 3
3 So in original. Pub. L. 103–322 does not contain a section 320930.
(13) sections 12101–12109 of this title;
(14) section 20301; 1
(15)section 12271 of this title; and
(16) section 20201. 1
“prevention program” means a program authorized in any of the following sections:
(1) section 50001; 1
(2) sections 12131–12133 of this title and section 13744 of title 42;
(3) sections 13751–13758 1 of title 42;
(4) sections 12141–12146 of this title and section 13777 of title 42;
(5) sections 12161 of this title and sections 13792 1 and 13793 of title 42;
(6) sections 13801–13802 1 of title 42;
(7) chapter 67 of title 31;
(8) section 31101,1 sections 12181–12212 of this title, and section 13852 of title 42;
(9) sections 31501–31505; 1
(10) section 31901,1 sections 12241–12262 of this title, and section 13883 of title 42;
(11) section 32001; 1
(12) section 32101; 1
(13)section 12281 of this title;
(14) section 40114; 1
(15) section 40121; 1
(16) section 300w–10 1 of title 42;
(17)section 12311 of this title;
(18) section 5712d 1 of title 42;
(19) section 40156; 1
(20)section 10413 of title 42 (relating to a hotline);
(21) section 40231; 1
(22) sections 10401 through 10412 of title 42;
(23) section 10417 1 of title 42;
(24)section 10414 of title 42 (relating to community projects to prevent family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence);
(25)section 12332 of this title;
(26)section 12333 of this title;
(27)section 12341 of this title;
(28) sections 12371–12373 of this title and section 13994 of title 42;
(29)section 12381 of this title and section 14002 of title 42;
(30)section 14012 of title 42;
(31) section 40601 1 and sections 12401–12410 of this title; and
(32) section 12621 1 of this title.
(Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXI, § 310004, Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2106; Pub. L. 111–320, title II, § 202(e), Dec. 20, 2010, 124 Stat. 3509.)
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