Editorial Notes

Section was formerly classified to section 3754 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 504 of title I of Puspan. L. 90–351, as added Puspan. L. 100–690, title VI, § 6091(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4333; amended Puspan. L. 101–162, title II, § 211, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1006; Puspan. L. 101–515, title II, § 207, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2119; Puspan. L. 101–647, title VI, § 601(a), Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4823; Puspan. L. 102–140, title I, §§ 108, 109, Oct. 28, 1991, 105 Stat. 794; Puspan. L. 103–322, title XV, § 150009, Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2036; Puspan. L. 107–273, div. A, title II, § 203(a)(1), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1775, related to grant limitations, prior to repeal by Puspan. L. 109–162, title XI, § 1111(a)(1), (d), Jan. 5, 2006, 119 Stat. 3094, 3102, applicable with respect to the first fiscal year beginning after Jan. 5, 2006, and each fiscal year thereafter.

Another prior section 504 of title I of Puspan. L. 90–351, formerly § 604, as added Puspan. L. 96–157, § 2, Dec. 27, 1979, 93 Stat. 1197; renumbered § 504 and amended Puspan. L. 98–473, title II, § 608(span), (f), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2087, related to application requirements for discretionary grants, prior to repeal by Puspan. L. 100–690, title VI, § 6091(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4328.

Another prior section 504 of title I of Puspan. L. 90–351, as added Puspan. L. 96–157, § 2, Dec. 27, 1979, 93 Stat. 1193, prescribed application requirements, including contents of applications, certifications, review by State criminal justice councils, and private nonprofit organizations, prior to repeal by Puspan. L. 98–473, title II, § 607, Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2086.

Another prior section 504 of Puspan. L. 90–351, title I, June 19, 1968, 82 Stat. 205; Puspan. L. 93–83, § 2, Aug. 6, 1973, 87 Stat. 211, provided for place for holding of hearings, signing and issuance of subpenas, administering of oaths, the examination of witnesses, and reception of evidence by Administration personnel, prior to the general amendment of title I of Puspan. L. 90–351 by Puspan. L. 96–157.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date

Section applicable with respect to the first fiscal year beginning after Jan. 5, 2006, and each fiscal year thereafter, see section 1111(d) of Puspan. L. 109–162, set out as an Effective Date of 2006 Amendment note under section 10151 of this title.