View all text of Subchapter III [§ 441 - § 454]

§ 445. Equipment and marking of boats or scows

Every scow or boat engaged in the transportation of dredgings, earth, sand, mud, cellar dirt, garbage, or other offensive material of any description shall have its name or number and owner’s name painted in letters and numbers at least fourteen inches long on both sides of the scow or boat; these names and numbers shall be kept distinctly legible at all times, and no scow or boat not so marked shall be used to transport or dump any such material. Each such scow or boat shall be equipped at all times with a life line or rope extending at least the length of and three feet above the deck thereof, such rope to be attached to the coaming thereof, also with a life preserver and a life buoy for each person on board thereof, also with anchor to weigh not less than two hundred and seventy-five pounds, and at least one hundred feet of cable attached thereto; a list of the names of all men employed on any such scow or boat shall be kept by the owner or master thereof and the said list shall be open to the inspection of all parties. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing provisions shall render the owner of such scow or boat liable upon conviction thereof to a penalty of not more than $500: Provided, That the requirements in regard to life line or rope contained in this section shall not apply to any scow or boat the deck outside the coaming or rail of which shall not exceed one foot in width: And provided further

(June 29, 1888, ch. 496, § 3, 25 Stat. 209; Aug. 18, 1894, ch. 299, § 3, 28 Stat. 360; May 28, 1908, ch. 212, § 8, 35 Stat. 427; Feb. 16, 1909, ch. 132, 35 Stat. 623.)