Subchapter I. IN GENERAL
- § 400 - Continuing authority programs
- § 401 - Construction of bridges, causeways, dams or dikes generally; exemptions
- § 402 - Construction of bridges, etc., over Illinois and Mississippi Canal
- § 403 - Obstruction of navigable waters generally; wharves; piers, etc.; excavations and filling in
- § 403a - Creation or continuance of obstruction of navigable waters
- § 403b - Lighting at docks and boat launching facilities
- § 404 - Establishment of harbor lines; conditions to grants for extension of piers, etc.
- § 405 - Establishment and modification of harbor lines on Potomac and Anacostia Rivers
- § 406 - Penalty for wrongful construction of bridges, piers, etc.; removal of structures
- § 407 - Deposit of refuse in navigable waters generally
- § 407a - Deposit of debris of mines and stamp works
- § 408 - Taking possession of, use of, or injury to harbor or river improvements
- § 408a - Expediting approval of modifications and alterations of projects by non-Federal interests
- § 409 - Obstruction of navigable waters by vessels; floating timber; marking and removal of sunken vessels
- § 410 - Exception as to floating loose timber, sack rafts, etc.; violation of regulations; penalty
- § 411 - Penalty for wrongful deposit of refuse; use of or injury to harbor improvements, and obstruction of navigable waters generally
- § 412 - Liability of masters, pilots, etc., and of vessels engaged in violations
- § 413 - Duty of United States attorneys and other Federal officers in enforcement of provisions; arrest of offenders
- § 414 - Vessel removal by Corps of Engineers
- § 415 - Summary removal of water craft obstructing navigation; liability of owner, lessee, or operator
- § 416 - Appropriations for removal of sunken water craft
- § 417 - Expenses of investigations by Department of the Army
- § 418 - Provisions for protection of New York Harbor unaffected
- § 419 - Regulation by Secretary governing transportation and dumping of dredgings, refuse, etc., into navigable waters; oyster lands; appropriations
- § 419a - Management practices to extend capacity and useful life of dredged material disposal areas
- § 420 - Piers and cribs on Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers
- § 421 - Deposit of refuse, etc., in Lake Michigan near Chicago
- § 422 - Modification and extension of harbor lines at Chicago
- § 423 - Establishment of pierhead and bulkhead lines in Wilmington Harbor, California
- § 424 - Establishment of pierhead or bulkhead lines in Newport Harbor, California
- § 424a - Modification of harbor lines in Newport Harbor, California
- § 425 - Omitted
- § 426 - Investigations concerning erosion of shores of coastal and lake waters
- § 426-1 - Coastal Engineering Research Center; establishment; powers and functions
- § 426-2 - Board on Coastal Engineering Research
- § 426-3 - Transfer of functions of Beach Erosion Board
- § 426a - Additional investigations concerning erosion of shores of coastal and lake waters; payment of costs; “shores” defined
- § 426b - Applicability of existing laws; projects referred to Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
- § 426c - Report by Coastal Engineering Research Center
- § 426d - Payment of expenses
- § 426e - Federal aid in protection of shores
- § 426e-1 - Shore protection projects
- § 426e-2 - Clarification of munition disposal authorities
- § 426e-3 - Coastal storm damage reduction contracts
- § 426f - Reimbursements
- § 426g - Storm and hurricane restoration and impact minimization program
- § 426g-1 - State and regional plans
- § 426h - Repealed.
- § 426h-1 - Definitions
- § 426i - Shore damage prevention or mitigation
- § 426i-1 - Repealed.
- § 426i-2 - National coastal data bank
- § 426j - Repealed.
- § 426k - Five year demonstration program to temporarily increase diversion of water from Lake Michigan at Chicago, Illinois
- § 426l - Protection of Lake Ontario
- § 426m - Collection and removal of drift and debris from publicly maintained commercial boat harbors and adjacent land and water areas
- § 426n - Technical assistance to States and local governments; cost sharing
- § 426o - Great Lakes material disposal
- § 426o-1 - Great Lakes dredging levels adjustment
- § 426o-2 - Great Lakes navigation and protection
- § 426p - Corps of Engineers
- § 427 to 430 - Repealed.