View all text of Subchapter I [§ 4901 - § 4903]
§ 4902. John W. McCormack Residential Page School
(a) Construction authorization for dormitory and classroom facilities complex
(b) Acquisition of property in District of Columbia
(c) Condemnation proceedings
(d) Transfer of United States owned property
(e) Alley and street closures by Mayor of the District of Columbia
(f) United States Capitol Grounds provisions applicable
(g) Designation; employment of services under supervision and control of Architect of the Capitol: joint approval and direction of Speaker and President pro tempore; annual estimates to Congress; regulations governing Architect of the Capitol
The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate jointly shall designate an officer of the House and an officer of the Senate, other than a Member of the House or Senate, who shall jointly exercise supervision and control over the activities of the pages resident in the John W. McCormack Residential Page School. With the approval of the Speaker and the President pro tempore, such officers so designated shall prescribe regulations governing—
(1) the actual use and occupancy of the John W. McCormack Residential Page School including, if necessary, the imposition of a curfew for pages;
(2) the conduct of pages generally; and
(3) other matters pertaining to the supervision, direction, safety, and well-being of pages in off-duty hours.
Such officers, subject to the approval of the Speaker and the President pro tempore, jointly shall appoint and fix the per annum gross rate of pay of a Residence Superintendent of Pages, who shall perform such duties with respect to the supervision of pages resident therein as those officials shall prescribe. In addition, such officers, subject to the approval of the Speaker and the President pro tempore, jointly shall appoint and fix the per annum gross rates of pay of such additional personnel as may be necessary to assist those officers and the Residence Superintendent of Pages in carrying out their functions under this section.
(i)Section 4903 of this title unaffected
(Pub. L. 91–510, title IV, § 492, Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1199; Pub. L. 93–198, title IV, § 421, Dec. 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 789; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, § 204(34)(C), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1734.)