“(span)Terms and Conditions of Agreement.—The terms and conditions described in this subsection are as follows:“(1) Upon receipt of the amounts provided under the grant made under subsection (a), the National Trust shall deposit the amounts in a permanently restricted account in its endowment and shall administer, invest, and manage such grant funds in the same manner as other National Trust endowment funds.
“(2) The National Trust shall make distributions to the Association from the amounts deposited in the endowment pursuant to paragraph (1), in accordance with its regularly established spending rate, for the care and maintenance of the Cemetery (other than the cost of personnel), except that the National Trust may only make such distributions incrementally and proportionately upon receipt by the National Trust of contributions from the Association which incrementally match the amounts provided under the grant made under subsection (a) and which are to be added to the permanently restricted account described in paragraph (1).
“(3) The Association shall use such distributions from the endowment and the match for the care and maintenance of Congressional Cemetery, except that the Association may not use such distributions for nonroutine restoration or capital projects.
“(4) The Association, or any successor thereto, shall maintain adequate records and accounts of all financial transactions and operations carried out with such distributions, and such records shall be available at all times for audit and investigation by the Architect of the Capitol and the Comptroller General.