View all text of Subchapter VI [§ 9681 - § 9689]
§ 9685. Transitional authorities
(a) Provision of assistance by officials
(b) Services and personnel
(c) Acting officials
(1) In generalDuring the transition period, pending the advice and consent of the Senate to the appointment of an officer required by this chapter to be appointed by and with such advice and consent, the President may designate any officer whose appointment was required to be made by and with such advice and consent and who was such an officer before the end of the transition period (and who continues in office) or immediately before such designation, to act in such office until the same is filled as provided in this chapter. While so acting, such officers shall receive compensation at the higher of—
(A) the rates provided by this chapter for the respective offices in which they act; or
(B) the rates provided for the offices held at the time of designation.
(2) Rule of construction
(d) Transfer of personnel, assets, obligations, and functionsUpon the transfer of an agency to the Corporation under section 9683 of this title—
(1) the personnel, assets, and obligations held by or available in connection with the agency shall be transferred to the Corporation for appropriate allocation, subject to the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and in accordance with section 1531(a)(2) of title 31; and
(2) the Corporation shall have all functions—
(A) relating to the agency that any other official could by law exercise in relation to the agency immediately before such transfer; and
(B) vested in the Corporation by this chapter or other law.
(Pub. L. 115–254, div. F, title VI, § 1465, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3513.)