View all text of Chapter 101 A [§ 9421 - § 9424]

§ 9423. Sanctions to combat the proliferation of Iranian missiles
(a) In generalThe sanctions described in subsection (b) shall apply to any foreign person the President determines, on or after April 24, 2024
(1) knowingly engages in any effort to acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer, or deploy covered technology to, from, or involving the Government of Iran or Iran-aligned entities, regardless of whether the restrictions set forth in Annex B to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) remain in effect after October 2023;
(2) knowingly provides entities owned or controlled by the Government of Iran or Iran-aligned entities with goods, technology, parts, or components, that may contribute to the development of covered technology;
(3) knowingly participates in joint missile or drone development, including development of covered technology, with the Government of Iran or Iran-aligned entities, including technical training, storage, and transport;
(4) knowingly imports, exports, or re-exports to, into, or from Iran, whether directly or indirectly, any significant arms or related materiel prohibited under paragraph (5) or (6) to Annex B of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) as of April 1, 2023;
(5) knowingly provides significant financial, material, or technological support to, or knowingly engages in a significant transaction with, a foreign person subject to sanctions for conduct described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4); or
(6) is an adult family member of a person subject to sanctions for conduct described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4).
(b) Sanctions describedThe sanctions described in this subsection are the following:
(1) Blocking of property
(2) Ineligibility for visas, admission, or parole
(A) Visas, admission, or paroleAn alien described in subsection (a) shall be—
(i) inadmissible to the United States;
(ii) ineligible to receive a visa or other documentation to enter the United States; and
(iii) otherwise ineligible to be admitted or paroled into the United States or to receive any other benefit under the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et 16 1
(B) Current visas revoked
(i) In general
(ii) Immediate effectA revocation under clause (i) shall, in accordance with section 221(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1201(i))—(I) take effect immediately; and(II) cancel any other valid visa or entry documentation that is in the possession of the alien.
(c) Penalties
(d) Waiver
(e) Implementation
(f) Regulations
(1) In general
(2) Notification to Congress
(g) Exceptions
(1) Exception for intelligence activities
(2) Exception to comply with international obligations and for law enforcement activitiesSanctions under this section shall not apply with respect to an alien if admitting or paroling the alien into the United States is necessary—
(A) to permit the United States to comply with the Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, signed at Lake Success June 26, 1947, and entered into force November 21, 1947, between the United Nations and the United States, or other applicable international obligations; or
(B) to carry out or assist authorized law enforcement activity in the United States.
(h) Termination of sanctionsThis section shall cease to be effective beginning on the date that is 30 days after the date on which the President certifies to the appropriate congressional committees that—
(1) the Government of Iran no longer repeatedly provides support for international terrorism as determined by the Secretary of State pursuant to—
(A)section 4813(c)(1)(A) of title 50;
(B)section 2371 of this title;
(C)section 2780 of this title; or
(D) any other provision of law; and
(2) Iran has ceased the pursuit, acquisition, and development of, and verifiably dismantled its, nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and ballistic missiles and ballistic missile launch technology.
(Pub. L. 118–50, div. K, § 5, Apr. 24, 2024, 138 Stat. 972.)