View all text of Subpart 3 [§ 1067g - § 1067l]
§ 1067g. Eligibility for grantsEligibility to receive grants under this part is limited to—
(1) public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education that—
(A) award baccalaureate degrees; and
(B) are minority institutions;
(2) public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education that—
(A) award associate degrees; and
(B) are minority institutions that—
(i) have a curriculum that includes science or engineering subjects; and
(ii) enter into a partnership with public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education that award baccalaureate degrees in science and engineering;
(3) nonprofit science-oriented organizations, professional scientific societies, and institutions of higher education that award baccalaureate degrees, that—
(A) provide a needed service to a group of minority institutions; or
(B) provide in-service training for project directors, scientists, and engineers from minority institutions;
(4) consortia of organizations, that provide needed services to one or more minority institutions, the membership of which may include—
(A) public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education which have a curriculum in science or engineering;
(B) institutions of higher education that have a graduate or professional program in science or engineering;
(C) research laboratories of, or under contract with, the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, or the National Institutes of Health;
(D) relevant offices of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, and National Institute of Standards and Technology;
(E) quasi-governmental entities that have a significant scientific or engineering mission; or
(F) institutions of higher education that have State-sponsored centers for research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; or
(A) at least one institution of higher education eligible for assistance under this subchapter or subchapter V;
(B) at least one high-need local educational agency (as defined in section 1021 of this title); and
(C) at least two community organizations or entities, such as businesses, professional associations, community-based organizations, philanthropic organizations, or State agencies.
(Pub. L. 89–329, title III, § 361, formerly title X, § 1041, as added Pub. L. 99–498, title X, § 1002, Oct. 17, 1986, 100 Stat. 1564; renumbered title III, § 361, and amended Pub. L. 105–244, title III, §§ 301(a)(5), (7), (b), (c)(9), 307(b), Oct. 7, 1998, 112 Stat. 1636, 1637, 1648; Pub. L. 110–315, title III, § 315(b), Aug. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 3184.)