- § 551 - Protection of national forests; rules and regulations
- § 551a - Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with States and political subdivisions in law enforcement
- § 551b - Omitted
- § 551c - Planning for fire protection
- § 551c-1 - Limitations on prescribed burns
- § 551d - Wildland firefighter safety
- § 552 - Consent to agreement by States for conservation of forests and water supply
- § 552a - Restoration of withdrawn national forest lands to appropriation
- § 552b - Administration of withdrawn lands; rules and regulations
- § 552c - Reimbursement of United States for loss of revenue
- § 552d - Punishment of violations of regulations
- § 553 - Duties of officials of Forest Service; stock laws; protection of fish and game
- § 553a - Repealed.
- § 554 - Forest supervisors and rangers
- § 554a - Employees to be appointed without regard to political affiliations
- § 554b - Medical care for employees engaged in hazardous work; notification and transportation of employees
- § 554c - Care of employees’ graves
- § 554d - Recreation facilities for employees of Forest Service and their immediate families
- § 554e - Employment of workers for emergencies
- § 555 - Forest headquarters, ranger stations, dwellings, or other needed sites
- § 555a - Exchange of lands
- § 555b - Street improvements; availability of Forest Service funds
- § 556 - Appropriations for Forest Service; use for transportation or traveling expenses; preparation or publication of newspaper or magazine articles
- § 556a - Omitted
- § 556b - Use of appropriations for expenses of transporting automobiles of employees between points in Alaska
- § 556c - Reimbursement of employees for property losses resulting from fires, floods, or other casualties
- § 556d - Advances of public moneys to Forest Service for fighting forest fires in emergency cases
- § 556e - Emergency appropriations for rehabilitation and wildfire suppression
- § 556f - Expenses of student interns
- § 556g - Reimbursement of employee license costs and certification fees
- § 556h - Recognition of private contributors to Forest Service programs
- § 556i - Transfer of funds made available to Forest Service
- § 557 - Employees of Forest Service; subsistence furnished to; personal equipment; supplies, and medical attention
- § 557a - Field season contracts; authority to make prior to appropriation
- § 557b - Omitted
- § 558 - Repealed.
- § 558a - Purpose
- § 558b - Definition of Secretaries
- § 558c - Authorization
- § 558d - Incidental expenses
- § 558e - Consideration as Federal employee
- § 558f - Promotion of volunteer opportunities
- § 558g - Liability insurance
- § 559 - Arrests by employees of Forest Service for violations of laws and regulations
- § 559a - Reward for information leading to arrest and conviction for violating laws and regulations
- § 559b - Prevention of manufacture, etc., of marijuana and other controlled substances
- § 559c - Powers of officers and employees of Forest Service
- § 559d - Cooperation with other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies
- § 559e - Forest Service authorization
- § 559f - Approval of Secretary of Agriculture and Attorney General
- § 559g - Designation authority of Secretary of Agriculture
- § 560 - Use of timber for telephone lines for fire protection
- § 560a - Omitted
- § 561 - Repealed.
- § 562 - Forest experiment station in California
- § 562a - Forest experiment station in Ohio and Mississippi Valleys
- § 562b - Forest experiment station in Pennsylvania
- § 563 - Cooperation with States for fire protection on private or State forest lands upon the watersheds of navigable rivers
- § 564, 565 - Repealed.
- § 565a - Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with Territories
- § 565a-1 - Cooperative agreements between Secretary of Agriculture and public or private agencies, organizations, institutions, and persons covering Forest Service programs; authority; funding
- § 565a-2 - Federal employee status of cooperators
- § 565a-3 - Agreements otherwise authorized by law
- § 565b - Transfer of fire lookout towers and other improvements for fire control to States, political subdivisions or agencies; reversion
- § 566 - Repealed.
- § 566a - Repealed.
- § 566b - Annual appropriations; limitation on use of other funds for the purposes of sections 564, 565, and 566
- § 567 - Repealed.
- § 567a - Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with States in acquisition and administration of State forests
- § 567b - Conditions and requirements for cooperation in acquisition and management of State forests
- § 567c - Authorization of appropriation for cooperation in acquisition and management of State forests
- § 568 - Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with States in establishing, etc., wood lots, shelter belts, windbreaks, etc.; limitation on expenditure; authorization of appropriations
- § 568a - Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with Territories and other possessions
- § 568b - Repealed.
- § 568c to 568e - Repealed.
- § 568f, 568g - Omitted
- § 569 - Donations to United States of lands for timber purposes
- § 570 - Ascertainment by Secretary of Agriculture of public lands valuable for stream-flow protection and report thereof
- § 571 - Repealed.
- § 571a, 571b - Omitted
- § 571c - Erection of permanent facilities on land not owned by United States; long term leases
- § 572 - Cooperation between Secretary of Agriculture and public or private agencies in working land under State or private ownership
- § 572a - Deposits from timber purchasers to defray cost of scaling services
- § 573 - Repealed.
- § 574 - Damages caused private property in protection, administration, and improvement of national forests; reimbursement
- § 576 - Reforestation; establishment of forest tree nurseries; tree planting; seed sowing and forest improvement work
- § 576a - Authorization of appropriation for reforestation
- § 576b - Purchasers of national-forest timber; deposits of money in addition to payments for timber; use of deposits; seedlings and young trees for burned-over areas in national parks
- § 576c - Supplemental National Forest Reforestation Fund; establishment; duration; authorization of appropriations
- § 576d - Expenditure of Supplemental National Forest Reforestation Fund moneys; availability of moneys from other sources unaffected
- § 576e - Repealed.
- § 577 - Public lands in northern Minnesota; withdrawal from entry and appropriation
- § 577a - Conserving shore line beauty for recreational use of public lands in northern Minnesota; regulation of logging
- § 577b - Preserving water level of lakes and streams of public lands in northern Minnesota; reservoirs; water power
- § 577c - Acquisition of additional lands in northern Minnesota
- § 577d - Boundary limits of additional lands acquired in northern Minnesota
- § 577d-1 - Extension to other sections of land
- § 577e - Approval by National Forest Reservation Commission for acquisition of additional lands
- § 577f - Exchange of lands
- § 577g - Payment for additional lands acquired in northern Minnesota
- § 577g-1 - Payment to State of Minnesota for extension to other sections of land
- § 577h - Authorization of appropriations; limitation on amount for purchase of additional lands, water or interests therein; availability of other funds; annual report to Congress
- § 578 to 579 - Omitted
- § 579a - Operation of aerial facilities and services
- § 579b - Working capital fund; establishment; availability; transfer; capitalization; advance payments credited
- § 579c - Availability of funds received from forfeitures, judgments, compromises, or settlements
- § 579c-1 - Forest Service interest bearing account
- § 579d - Indirect expenditures; future budget justifications
- § 579e - Forest service budget restructure
- § 579f - Forest Service Nonrecurring Expenses Fund
- § 580 - Use of Forest Service appropriations for repair, etc. of equipment; rental of fire control equipment to non-Federal agencies
- § 580a - Sale and distribution of supplies, equipment, and materials to other Government activities and to cooperating State and private agencies; reimbursement
- § 580b - Forest Service telephone lines; correction of inductive interference
- § 580c - Purchases of experimental materials, special devices, test models, etc.
- § 580d - Use of Forest Service structures or improvements and land by public and private agencies, etc.; terms
- § 580e - Services furnished persons attending Forest Service demonstrations and users of national forest resources and recreational facilities; rate of charges; disposition of moneys
- § 580f - Telephones for official use in private residences
- § 580g - Seeding leased range land; conditions and limitations
- § 580h - Range improvements from appropriated funds
- § 580i - Acquisition of winter range, land, and helicopter landing site
- § 580j - Injury benefits for temporary employees
- § 580k - Grazing advisory boards
- § 580l - Permits for grazing livestock on national forests
- § 580m - Development of reservoir areas for future resources of timber; Congressional declaration of policy
- § 580n - Protection and development of forest or other vegetative cover; establishment and maintenance of conservation measures; coordination of programs and policies
- § 580o - Forest Service appropriations
- § 580p - “Woodsy Owl” and “Smokey Bear” characters and names; definitions
- § 580p-1 - Property of the United States
- § 580p-2 - Deposit of fees collected under regulations relating to “Smokey Bear”; availability
- § 580p-3 - Use of royalty fees; special account
- § 580p-4 - Injunction against unauthorized manufacture, use, or reproduction
- § 580q - National Tree Seed Laboratory; disposition of fees