Subchapter I. PLANNING
- § 1600 - Congressional findings
- § 1601 - Renewable Resource Assessment
- § 1603 - National Forest System resource inventories; development, maintenance, and updating by Secretary as part of Assessment
- § 1604 - National Forest System land and resource management plans
- § 1605 - Protection, use and management of renewable resources on non-Federal lands; utilization of Assessment, surveys and Program by Secretary to assist States, etc.
- § 1606 - Budget requests by President for Forest Service activities
- § 1606a - Reforestation Trust Fund
- § 1608 - National Forest Transportation System
- § 1609 - National Forest System
- § 1610 - Implementation of provisions by Secretary; utilization of information and data of other organizations; avoidance of duplication of planning, etc.; “renewable resources” defined
- § 1611 - Timber
- § 1612 - Public participation
- § 1613 - Promulgation of regulations
- § 1614 - Severability