The Volunteers in the Forests Act of 1972, referred to in subsec. (h)(1), probably means the Volunteers in the National Forests Act of 1972, Puspan. L. 92–300, May 18, 1972, 86 Stat. 147, which was classified generally to former sections 558a to 558d of this title, prior to being amended generally and renamed the Volunteers in the National Forests and Public Lands Act by Puspan. L. 118–234, title III, § 341, Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2913. Section 342 of Puspan. L. 118–234, set out as a note under section 588a of this title, provides that a reference in any law to the Volunteers in National Forests Act of 1972 shall be deemed to be a reference to the Volunteers in the National Forests and Public Lands Act. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 558a of this title and Tables.
Section 6 of Public Law 96–541, referred to in subsec. (k), is section 6 of Puspan. L. 96–541, Dec. 17, 1980, 94 Stat. 3206, which amended section 170 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and enacted and amended provisions set out as notes under section 170 of Title 26.
In subsec. (g), “section 303 of title 49” substituted for “section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1653(f))” on authority of Puspan. L. 97–449, § 6(span), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2443, the first section of which enacted subtitle I (§ 101 et seq.) of Title 49, Transportation.
2014—Subsec. (h)(1). Puspan. L. 113–287 substituted “section 102301 of title 54” for “the Volunteers in the Parks Act of 1969” in introductory provisions.
1983—Subsec. (a). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(a), designated existing provisions as par. (2), added par. (1), and in par. (2) substituted “shall publish notice of the availability of appropriate maps or descriptions in the Federal Register” for “shall publish notice thereof in the Federal Register, together with appropriate maps and descriptions”.
Subsec. (span). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(span), inserted “of the availability of appropriate maps or descriptions” after “After publication of notice”, and struck out “together with appropriate maps and descriptions,” after “Federal Register,”.
Subsec. (c). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(c), inserted provision that the appropriate Secretary may also provide for trail interpretation sites, which shall be located at historic sites along the route of any national scenic or national historic trail, in order to present information to the public about the trail, at the lowest possible cost, with emphasis on the portion of the trail passing through the State in which the site is located, and that, whenever possible, the sites be maintained by a State agency under a cooperative agreement between the appropriate Secretary and the State agency.
Subsec. (e). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(d), in first sentence, substituted “subsection (f) of this section” for “subsection (g) of this section”, and inserted a further proviso authorizing the appropriate Secretary to acquire lands or interests therein from local governments or governmental corporations with the consent of such entities.
Subsec. (f). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(e), designated existing provisions as par. (1) and added par. (2).
Subsec. (g). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(f), substituted “Except for designated protected components of the trail, no land or site located” for “No land or site located” in last sentence.
Subsec. (h). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(g), designated the first of two sentences of existing provisions as par. (1) and the last sentence as par. (2); and in par. (1), as so designated, substituted “and maintain any portion of such a trail either within” for “and maintain any portion of a national scenic or national historic trail either within” and inserted third, fourth, and fifth sentences making provision for the inclusion in written cooperative agreements provisions for limited financial assistance to encourage participation in acquisition, protection, operation, development, or maintenance of trails and for volunteer in the park or volunteer in the forest status, for the initiation of consultations with affected States and their political subdivisions, and for the giving of assistance after consultation under appropriate cooperative agreements.
Subsec. (i). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(h), added direction that the Secretary responsible for the administration of any segment of any component of the National Trails System also utilize authorities related to units of the national park system or the national forest system in carrying out his administrative responsibilities for such component.
Subsecs. (j), (k). Puspan. L. 98–11, § 207(i), added subsecs. (j) and (k).
1979—Subsecs. (c), (g). Puspan. L. 96–87 made technical amendments to section 551(18) and (21) of Puspan. L. 95–625 the net result of which expanded the provisions which had been added to subsecs. (c) and (g) of this section in 1978 by section 551(18) and (21) of Puspan. L. 95–625. See 1978 Amendments note below.
1978—Subsec. (a). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), substituted “national scenic and national historic trails” for “National Scenic Trails” in first sentence.
Subsec. (span). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), substituted “scenic or national historic” for “scenic” in two places.
Subsec. (c). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), (18), as amended Puspan. L. 96–87, § 401(m)(2), substituted in first sentence “scenic or national historic” for “scenic”, in second proviso “recreation, national scenic, or national historic” for “recreation or scenic” and in fifth sentence “recreation, national scenic, and national historic” for “recreation and scenic”, and inserted following fourth sentence provisions relating to trail markers and provisions requiring the Secretary to allow other uses along the historic trails and the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail which will not substantially interfere with the nature and purposes of the trail and which, at the time of designation, were allowed by administrative regulation, including the use of motor vehicles.
Subsec. (d). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), substituted “recreation, national scenic, or national historic” for “recreation or scenic”.
Puspan. L. 95–248, § 1(3), struck out proviso relating to acreage limitation of acquisition.
Subsec. (e). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), (19), inserted “or national historic” after “scenic” in two places and struck out from first proviso “within two years” before “after notice of the selection of the right-of-way”.
Subsec. (g). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(20), (21), as amended Puspan. L. 96–87, § 401(m)(3), struck out second proviso “: Provided further, That condemnation is prohibited with respect to all acquisition of lands or interest in lands for the purposes of the Pacific Crest Trail” after “connecting trail right-of-way” and inserted provisions that direct Federal acquisition for trail purposes be limited to high potential route segments or high potential historic sites and that no land or site located along a designated national historic trail or along the Continental Divide Scenic Trail be subject to the provisions of section 1653(f) of title 49 unless that land be deemed to be of historical significance under appropriate historical site criteria such as those for the National Register of Historic Places.
Puspan. L. 95–248, § 1(4), substituted “an average of one hundred and twenty-five acres per mile” for “twenty-five acres in any one mile”, and struck out limitation on exercise of authority with respect to a connecting trail right-of-way.
Subsec. (h). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), substituted “recreation, national scenic, or national historic” for “recreation or scenic” in first sentence, and inserted “or national historic” after “scenic” in second sentence.
Subsec. (i). Puspan. L. 95–625, § 551(17), substituted “recreation, national scenic, or national historic” for “recreation or scenic”.
Enforcement functions of Secretary or other official in Department of the Interior related to compliance with system activities requiring coordination and approval under this chapter and such functions of Secretary or other official in Department of Agriculture, insofar as they involve lands and programs under jurisdiction of that Department, related to compliance with this chapter with respect to pre-construction, construction, and initial operation of transportation system for Canadian and Alaskan natural gas transferred to Federal Inspector, Office of Federal Inspector for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, until first anniversary of date of initial operation of Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, see Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1979, §§ 102(e), (f), 203(a), 44 F.R. 33663, 33666, 93 Stat. 1373, 1376, effective July 1, 1979, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Office of Federal Inspector for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System abolished and functions and authority vested in Inspector transferred to Secretary of Energy by section 3012(span) of Puspan. L. 102–486, set out as an Abolition of Office of Federal Inspector note under section 719e of Title 15, Commerce and Trade. Functions and authority vested in Secretary of Energy subsequently transferred to Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects by section 720d(f) of Title 15.