View all text of Subchapter VIII [§ 80 - § 80h]

§ 80a–1. Lands excluded from Kings Canyon National Park and added to Sequoia National Forest

For the purpose of improving the boundary of Kings Canyon National Park, California, and excluding therefrom certain land that is no longer needed for park purposes, that particular area of the park, comprising approximately 160 acres, lying west of the section line between sections 21 and 22, and lying west of the section line between sections 27 and 28, township 13 south, range 30 east, Mount Diablo meridian, is excluded from the park.

Land excluded from the park by this section on and after August 14, 1958 shall be a part of the Sequoia National Forest.

(Pub. L. 85–666, § 1, Aug. 14, 1958, 72 Stat. 616.)
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