View all text of Subchapter L [§ 407 - § 407h]

§ 407e. Boundaries

Carlsbad Caverns National Park situated in the State of New Mexico shall consist of the following described lands:

new mexico principal meridian, new mexico

Township 24 south, range 23 east: south half section 35; section 36.

Township 24 south, range 24 east; sections 25 to 29, inclusive; sections 31 to 36, inclusive.

Township 24 south, range 25 east: south half southeast quarter section 19; south half south half section 20; south half south half section 21; southwest quarter southwest quarter section 26; sections 27 to 33, inclusive; west half section 34; northwest quarter northeast quarter section 34.

Township 25 south, range 22 east: sections 24, 25, 35, and 36.

Township 25 south, range 23 east: sections 1 to 33, inclusive; northwest quarter section 34.

Township 25 south, range 24 east: north half section 1; west half section 2; northeast quarter section 2; sections 3 to 8, inclusive; west half section 9; northeast quarter section 9; northwest quarter section 10; west half section 17; northeast quarter section 17; section 18; northwest quarter section 19.

Township 25 south, range 25 east: north half section 5; north half section 6.

Township 26 south, range 22 east: north half section 1; west half southwest quarter section 1; section 2; section 11; west half west half section 12; northwest quarter section 14.

Township 26 south, range 23 east: northwest quarter section 6.

All of which contains 46,786.11 acres, more or less.

And the tract of land, including Rattlesnake Springs, lying in section 23, township 25 south, range 24 east, New Mexico principal meridian, acquired by the United States for water right purposes by warranty deed dated January 23, 1934, recorded in Eddy County, New Mexico, records in deedbook 64 on page 97, containing 79.87 acres, more or less.

(Pub. L. 88–249, § 1, Dec. 30, 1963, 77 Stat. 818.)
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