View all text of Subchapter LXXXII [§ 460x - § 460x-15]

§ 460x–3. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Advisory Commission
(a) Establishment; termination
(b) Membership; appointment; term of office; recommendation or designation of appointees
The Commission shall be composed of ten members, each appointed for a term of two years by the Secretary, as follows:
(1) Four members to be appointed from recommendations made by the counties in which the lakeshore is situated, two members to represent each such county;
(2) Four members to be appointed from recommendations made by the Governor of the State of Michigan; and
(3) Two members to be designated by the Secretary.
(c) Chairman; vacancies
(d) Compensation and expenses; vouchers
(e) Consultation of Secretary with Commission
The Secretary or his designee shall consult with the Commission with respect to—
(1) matters relating to the development of the lakeshore and with respect to the provisions of sections 460x–8, 460x–11, and 460x–12 of this title; and
(2) matters relating to the implementation of the General Management Plan provided for in section 460x–5(b) of this title.
(Pub. L. 91–479, § 4, Oct. 21, 1970, 84 Stat. 1076; Pub. L. 100–558, Oct. 28, 1988, 102 Stat. 2796.)
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