View all text of Subchapter IV [§ 2681 - § 2692]

§ 2681. Definitions
For the purposes of this subchapter:
(1) Abatement
The term “abatement” means any set of measures designed to permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards in accordance with standards established by the Administrator under this subchapter. Such term includes—
(A) the removal of lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust, the permanent containment or encapsulation of lead-based paint, the replacement of lead-painted surfaces or fixtures, and the removal or covering of lead-contaminated soil; and
(B) all preparation, cleanup, disposal, and postabatement clearance testing activities associated with such measures.
(2) Accessible surface
(3) Deteriorated paint
(4) Evaluation
(5) Friction surface
(6) Impact surface
(7) Inspection
(8) Interim controls
(9) Lead-based paint
(10) Lead-based paint hazard
(11) Lead-contaminated dust
(12) Lead-contaminated soil
(13) Reduction
(14) Residential dwelling
The term “residential dwelling” means—
(A) a single-family dwelling, including attached structures such as porches and stoops; or
(B) a single-family dwelling unit in a structure that contains more than 1 separate residential dwelling unit, and in which each such unit is used or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole or in part, as the home or residence of 1 or more persons.
(15) Residential real property
(16) Risk assessment
The term “risk assessment” means an on-site investigation to determine and report the existence, nature, severity and location of lead-based paint hazards in residential dwellings, including—
(A) information gathering regarding the age and history of the housing and occupancy by children under age 6;
(B) visual inspection;
(C) limited wipe sampling or other environmental sampling techniques;
(D) other activity as may be appropriate; and
(E) provision of a report explaining the results of the investigation.
(17) Target housing
(Pub. L. 94–469, title IV, § 401, as added Pub. L. 102–550, title X, § 1021(a), Oct. 28, 1992