View all text of Chapter 908 [§ 9081 - § 9087]

§ 9081. The United States Space Force
(a)Establishment.—There is established a United States Space Force as an armed force within the Department of the Air Force.
(b)Composition.—The Space Force consists of—
(1) the Regular Space Force;
(2) all persons appointed or enlisted in, or conscripted into, the Space Force, including those not assigned to units, necessary to form the basis for a complete and immediate mobilization for the national defense in the event of a national emergency; and
(3) all Space Force units and other Space Force organizations, including installations and supporting and auxiliary combat, training, administrative, and logistic elements.
(c)Functions.—The Space Force shall be organized, trained, and equipped to—
(1) provide freedom of operation for the United States in, from, and to space;
(2) conduct space operations; and
(3) protect the interests of the United States in space.
(Added Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title XVI, § 1601(a)(1), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1718, § 2279c; amended Pub. L. 115–232, div. A, title X, § 1081(a)(17), Aug. 13, 2018, 132 Stat. 1984; renumbered § 9081 and amended Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title IX, § 952(b)(3), (4), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1562; Pub. L. 116–283, div. A, title IX, § 922(a), (b), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 3806; Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, § 1712(a), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 625.)