- § 877 - Art. 77. Principals
- § 878 - Art. 78. Accessory after the fact
- § 879 - Art. 79. Conviction of offense charged, lesser included offenses, and attempts
- § 880 - Art. 80. Attempts
- § 881 - Art. 81. Conspiracy
- § 882 - Art. 82. Soliciting commission of offenses
- § 883 - Art. 83. Malingering
- § 884 - Art. 84. Breach of medical quarantine
- § 885 - Art. 85. Desertion
- § 886 - Art. 86. Absence without leave
- § 887 - Art. 87. Missing movement; jumping from vessel
- § 887a - Art. 87a. Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape
- § 887b - Art. 87b. Offenses against correctional custody and restriction
- § 888 - Art. 88. Contempt toward officials
- § 889 - Art. 89. Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer; assault of superior commissioned officer
- § 890 - Art. 90. Willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer
- § 891 - Art. 91. Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer
- § 892 - Art. 92. Failure to obey order or regulation
- § 893 - Art. 93. Cruelty and maltreatment
- § 893a - Art. 93a. Prohibited activities with military recruit or trainee by person in position of special trust
- § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition
- § 895 - Art. 95. Offenses by sentinel or lookout
- § 895a - Art. 95a. Disrespect toward sentinel or lookout
- § 896 - Art. 96. Release of prisoner without authority; drinking with prisoner
- § 897 - Art. 97. Unlawful detention
- § 898 - Art. 98. Misconduct as prisoner
- § 899 - Art. 99. Misbehavior before the enemy
- § 900 - Art. 100. Subordinate compelling surrender
- § 901 - Art. 101. Improper use of countersign
- § 902 - Art. 102. Forcing a safeguard
- § 903 - Art. 103. Spies
- § 903a - Art. 103a. Espionage
- § 903b - Art. 103b. Aiding the enemy
- § 904 - Art. 104. Public records offenses
- § 904a - Art. 104a. Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation
- § 904b - Art. 104b. Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation
- § 905 - Art. 105. Forgery
- § 905a - Art. 105a. False or unauthorized pass offenses
- § 906 - Art. 106. Impersonation of officer, noncommissioned or petty officer, or agent or official
- § 906a - Art. 106a. Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device, or lapel button
- § 907 - Art. 107. False official statements; false swearing
- § 907a - Art. 107a. Parole violation
- § 908 - Art. 108. Military property of United States—Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition
- § 908a - Art. 108a. Captured or abandoned property
- § 909 - Art. 109. Property other than military property of United States—Waste, spoilage, or destruction
- § 910 - Art. 110. Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft
- § 911 - Art. 111. Leaving scene of vehicle accident
- § 912 - Art. 112. Drunkenness and other incapacitation offenses
- § 912a - Art. 112a. Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances
- § 913 - Art. 113. Drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel
- § 914 - Art. 114. Endangerment offenses
- § 915 - Art. 115. Communicating threats
- § 916 - Art. 116. Riot or breach of peace
- § 917 - Art. 117. Provoking speeches or gestures
- § 917a - Art. 117a. Wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images
- § 918 - Art. 118. Murder
- § 919 - Art. 119. Manslaughter
- § 919a - Art. 119a. Death or injury of an unborn child
- § 919b - Art. 119b. Child endangerment
- § 920 - Art. 120. Rape and sexual assault generally
- § 920a - Art. 120a. Mails: deposit of obscene matter
- § 920b - Art. 120b. Rape and sexual assault of a child
- § 920c - Art. 120c. Other sexual misconduct
- § 921 - Art. 121. Larceny and wrongful appropriation
- § 921a - Art. 121a. Fraudulent use of credit cards, debit cards, and other access devices
- § 921b - Art. 121b. False pretenses to obtain services
- § 922 - Art. 122. Robbery
- § 922a - Art. 122a. Receiving stolen property
- § 923 - Art. 123. Offenses concerning Government computers
- § 923a - Art. 123a. Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds
- § 924 - Art. 124. Frauds against the United States
- § 924a - Art. 124a. Bribery
- § 924b - Art. 124b. Graft
- § 925 - Art. 125. Kidnapping
- § 926 - Art. 126. Arson; burning property with intent to defraud
- § 927 - Art. 127. Extortion
- § 928 - Art. 128. Assault
- § 928a - Art. 128a. Maiming
- § 928b - Art. 128b. Domestic violence
- § 929 - Art. 129. Burglary; unlawful entry
- § 929a - Art. 129a. Omitted]
- § 930 - Art. 130. Stalking
- § 931 - Art. 131. Perjury
- § 931a - Art. 131a. Subornation of perjury
- § 931b - Art. 131b. Obstructing justice
- § 931c - Art. 131c. Misprision of serious offense
- § 931d - Art. 131d. Wrongful refusal to testify
- § 931e - Art. 131e. Prevention of authorized seizure of property
- § 931f - Art. 131f. Noncompliance with procedural rules
- § 931g - Art. 131g. Wrongful interference with adverse administrative proceeding
- § 932 - Art. 132. Retaliation
- § 933 - Art. 133. Conduct unbecoming an officer
- § 934 - Art. 134. General article