Collapse to view only § 2242b. Translation of publications into foreign languages
- § 2201. Establishment of Department
- § 2202. Executive Department; Secretary
- § 2203. Seal
- § 2204. General duties of Secretary; advisory functions; research and development
- § 2204-1. Delegation of regulatory functions of Secretary of Agriculture; definitions
- § 2204-2. Delegation of regulatory functions to designated employees; status of employees; number; revocation of delegation
- § 2204-3. Authority of designated employees; retroactive revocation of delegation
- § 2204-4. Delegation of functions under other laws as unaffected
- § 2204-5. Authorization of appropriations for cooperative research projects
- § 2204a. Rural development; utilization of non-Federal offices; location of field units; interchange of personnel and facilities
- § 2204b. Rural development policy
- § 2204b-1. Rural development
- § 2204b-2. Temporary prioritization of rural health assistance
- § 2204b-3. Council on Rural Community Innovation and Economic Development
- § 2204b-4. Institute for Rural Partnerships
- § 2204c. Water management for rural areas
- § 2204d. Encouragement of private contracting
- § 2204e. Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis
- § 2204f. Repealed.
- § 2204g. Authority of Secretary of Agriculture to conduct census of agriculture
- § 2204h. Local food production and program evaluation
- § 2204i. Reports on land access and farmland ownership data collection
- § 2204j. National agriculture imagery program
- § 2205. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture transferred to Secretary
- § 2206. Custody of property and records
- § 2206a. Conveyance of excess Federal personal property
- § 2206b. Availability of excess and surplus computers in rural areas
- § 2207. Reports
- § 2207a. Reports to Congress on obligation and expenditure
- § 2207b. Program metrics
- § 2207c. Annual report on work of agricultural experiment stations and of college extension work; publication and distribution
- § 2207d. Reports on disbursement of funds for agricultural research and extension at 1862 and 1890 land-grant colleges, including Tuskegee University
- § 2208. Expenditure of appropriations; accounting
- § 2208a. Loan levels provided to Department of Agriculture
- § 2209. Additional statement of expenditures
- § 2209a. Advances to chiefs of field parties
- § 2209b. Availability of appropriations
- § 2209c. Use of funds for one-year contracts to be performed in two fiscal years
- § 2209d. Statement of percentage and dollar amount of Federal funding
- § 2209e. Prohibition on payments to parties involved with prohibited drug-producing plants
- § 2209f. Restriction on commodity purchase program payments
- § 2209g. Availability of funds for uniforms or allowances
- § 2209h. Reimbursement of Office of the General Counsel
- § 2209i. Funding for preparation of final agency decisions regarding discrimination complaints
- § 2209j. Permanent debarment from participation in Department of Agriculture programs for fraud
- § 2209k. Prohibition on payments to fossil fuel refiners and importers
- § 2210. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture; appointment
- § 2211. Powers and duties of Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
- § 2211a. Omitted
- §§ 2211b to 2212c. Repealed.
- § 2213. Omitted
- § 2214. General Counsel; appointment
- § 2215. Chief clerk
- § 2216. Repealed.
- § 2217. Oaths, affirmations, and affidavits taken by officers, agents, or employees of Department; use and effect
- § 2217a. Power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, or require production of books, etc.
- § 2218. Fee for administering or taking oaths, affirmations, and affidavits
- § 2219. Salaries; how paid
- § 2219a. Overtime and holiday pay
- § 2220. Certain officials and employees of Department and others not subject to restriction on payment of compensation to Government officials and employees
- § 2221. Details of persons from or to office of Secretary
- § 2222. Details of law clerks
- § 2223. Details of employees from and to library and bureaus and offices
- § 2224. Details of employees from and to Division of Accounts and Disbursements and bureaus and offices; traveling expenses
- § 2224a. Utilization of employees of agencies for part-time and intermittent assistance to other agencies; exclusion of overtime resulting from natural disasters from staff year ceilings
- § 2225. Employment of temporary personnel
- § 2225a. Contracts for consulting services
- § 2225b. Personal service contracts for veterinarians
- § 2225c. Employment contracts for services abroad
- § 2225d. Availability of Department of Agriculture funds for temporary employment
- § 2226. Employment of persons for forest fire fighting, pest control, and handling of animals
- § 2227. Traveling expenses
- § 2228. Emergency subsistence for employees
- § 2229. Travel and per diem expenses of temporary or seasonal employees
- § 2230. Employees in Alaska; subsistence, equipment, and supplies
- § 2231. Official expenses of employees stationed abroad
- § 2231a. Reimbursement of employees for costs of State licenses and certification fees
- § 2231b. First amendment rights of employees of the United States Department of Agriculture
- § 2232. Stenographic reporting service
- § 2233. Funds available for expenses of advisory committees
- § 2234. Purchases for bureaus from appropriations for contingent expenses
- § 2235. Working capital fund established; use of central services by bureaus, etc., of the Department
- § 2235a. Deposit and retention of credit card refunds or rebates
- § 2236. Working capital fund for Agricultural Research Center; establishment
- § 2237. Use of field work funds for employment of men with equipment, etc.
- § 2238. Use of field work funds for purchase of arms and ammunition
- § 2239. Funds for printing, binding, and scientific and technical article reprint purchases
- § 2240. Reimbursement of appropriation for salaries and compensation of employees in mechanical shops
- § 2241. Sale or exchange of animals or animal products
- § 2241a. Exchange or sale authority
- § 2241b. Purchase of seeds and plants for distribution
- § 2242. Repealed.
- § 2242a. User fees for reports, publications, and software
- § 2242b. Translation of publications into foreign languages
- § 2243. Sale of photographic prints and maps
- § 2244. Repealed.
- § 2245. Sale of prints and lantern slides
- § 2246. Loan, rental, or sale of films
- § 2247. Sale of samples of pure sugars
- § 2247a. Farm or food products; sale of samples, practical forms, etc.
- § 2248. Statistics relating to turpentine and rosin
- § 2249. Amount and character of cooperation
- § 2250. Construction and repair of buildings and public improvements
- § 2250a. Erection of buildings and other structures on non-Federal lands; duration of use of such lands; removal of structures after termination of use; availability of funds for expenses of acquiring long-term leases or other agreements
- § 2250b. Nonrecurring expenses fund
- § 2251. Reimbursement of Production and Marketing Administration appropriations for expenses of maintaining registers of indebtedness and making set-offs
- § 2252. Reimbursement of Production and Marketing Administration appropriations for costs of procuring agricultural commodities for nongovernmental agencies or foreign governments
- § 2253. Adjustment by Secretary of titles to lands acquired by Government and subject to his control
- § 2254. Operation, maintenance and purchase of aircraft by Agricultural Research Service; construction and repair of buildings
- § 2254a. Availability of funds appropriated for Agricultural Research Service for research related to tobacco or tobacco products
- § 2254b. Availability of funds appropriated for Agricultural Research Service for research related to tobacco or tobacco products; exception
- § 2254c. Research
- § 2255. Membership in International Wheat Advisory Committee, International Sugar Council, etc.
- § 2255a. Financial assistance to national and international conferences
- § 2255b. Department of Agriculture conference transparency
- § 2256. Inspections, analyses, and tests for other Government departments and agencies; reimbursement
- § 2257. Interchangeability of funds for miscellaneous expenses and general expenses
- § 2258. Purchase of newspapers
- § 2259. Market-inspection certificates as prima facie evidence
- §§ 2260, 2260a. Repealed.
- § 2261. Credit of donations and proceeds from exhibitions to appropriations concerned with foreign market development programs
- § 2262. Employee liability insurance on motor vehicles in foreign countries
- § 2262a. Overseas tort claims
- § 2263. Transfer of funds
- § 2264. National Agricultural Library; acceptance of gifts, bequests, or devises; conditional gifts
- § 2265. Deposit of money accepted for benefit of National Agricultural Library; disbursement
- § 2266. Congressional reaffirmation of policy to foster and encourage family farms
- § 2266a. Century Farms program
- § 2266b. Eligibility for operators on heirs property land to obtain a farm number
- § 2267. Repealed.
- § 2268. Public lands; relinquishment
- § 2268a. Acquisition of land; options
- § 2269. Gifts of property; acceptance and administration by Secretary of Agriculture; Federal tax law consideration; separate fund in Treasury; regulations
- § 2270. Authority of Office of Inspector General
- § 2270a. Office of Inspector General; transfer of forfeiture funds for law enforcement activities
- § 2270b. Department of Agriculture Inspector General investigation of Forest Service firefighter deaths
- § 2270c. Submission of results
- § 2271. Marketing education programs for small and medium size family farm operations
- § 2271a. Advanced marketing training for farmers and ranchers
- § 2272. Volunteers for Department of Agriculture programs
- § 2272a. Funds for incidental expenses and promotional items relating to volunteers
- § 2273. Local search and rescue operations
- § 2274. Firearm authority of employees engaged in animal quarantine enforcement
- § 2274a. Firearm authority of employees conducting field work in remote locations
- § 2275. Repealed.
- § 2276. Confidentiality of information
- § 2277. Contracts by Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for services to be performed abroad
- § 2278. Consistency with international obligations of United States
- § 2279. Farming opportunities training and outreach
- § 2279-1. Transparency and accountability for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers
- § 2279-2. Report of civil rights complaints, resolutions, and actions
- § 2279a. Fair and equitable treatment of socially disadvantaged producers
- § 2279b. Department of Agriculture educational, training, and professional development activities
- § 2279c. Student internship programs
- § 2279d. Compensatory damages in claims under Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- § 2279e. Civil penalty
- § 2279f. Subpoena authority
- § 2279g. Marketing services; cooperative agreements
- § 2279h. Cross-servicing activities of National Finance Center
- § 2279i. Cooperation with State and other agencies; expenditures
- § 2279j. Conversion authority
- § 2279k. Authorization of protection operations for the Secretary of Agriculture and others
- § 2279l. National Detector Dog Training Center
There shall be at the seat of government a Department of Agriculture, the general design and duties of which shall be to acquire and to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture, rural development, aquaculture, and human nutrition, in the most general and comprehensive sense of those terms, and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants.
The Department of Agriculture shall be an executive department, under the supervision and control of a Secretary of Agriculture, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The provisions of title 4 of the Revised Statutes, including all amendments thereto, shall be applicable to said department; and all laws and parts of laws relating to the Department of Agriculture in existence February 9, 1889, as far as the same are applicable and not in conflict with this section, and only so far, are continued in full force and effect.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to procure a proper seal, with such suitable inscriptions and devices as he may approve, to be known as the official seal of the Department of Agriculture, and to be kept and used to verify official documents, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe.
Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture deems that the delegation of the whole or any part of any regulatory function which the Secretary is, now or after April 4, 1940, required or authorized to perform will result in the more expeditious discharge of the duties of the Department of Agriculture, he is authorized to make such delegation to any officer or employee designated under this section. The Secretary is authorized to designate officers or employees of the Department to whom functions may be delegated under this section and to assign appropriate titles to such officers or employees. There shall not be in the Department at any one time more than two officers or employees designated under this section and vested with a regulatory function or part thereof delegated under this section. The Secretary may at any time revoke the whole or any part of a delegation or designation made by him under this section.
Whenever a delegation is made under section 2204–2 of this title, all provisions of law shall be construed as if the regulatory function or the part thereof delegated had (to the extent of the delegation) been vested by law in the individual to whom the delegation is made, instead of in the Secretary of Agriculture. A revocation of delegation shall not be retroactive, and each regulatory function or part thereof performed (within the scope of the delegation) by such individual prior to the revocation shall be considered as having been performed by the Secretary.
The provisions of section 2204–2 of this title shall not be deemed to prohibit the delegation, under authority of any other provision of law, of the whole or any part of any regulatory function or other function to any officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture.
There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 2204–1 to 2204–5 of this title.
For an additional amount for the Office of the Secretary, $30,000,000, to remain available until expended, to establish an Institute for Rural Partnerships: Provided, That the Secretary shall establish a grant program and distribute the funds to three geographically diverse established land-grant universities: Provided further, That the Institute for Rural Partnerships shall dedicate resources to researching the causes and conditions of challenges facing rural areas, and develop community partnerships to address such challenges: Provided further, That administrative or other fees shall not exceed one percent: Provided further, That such partnership shall coordinate and publish an annual report.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to perform all the duties named in all Acts of Congress in force on February 8, 1889, to be performed by the Commissioner of Agriculture.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall have charge, in the building and premises appropriated to the department, of the library, furniture, fixtures, records, and other property appertaining to it, or acquired for use in its business.
In addition to any other authority, the Secretary of Agriculture may make available to an organization excess or surplus computers or other technical equipment of the Department of Agriculture for the purposes of distribution to a city, town, or local government entity in a rural area (as defined in section 1991(a)(13)(A) of this title).
The Secretary of Agriculture shall annually make a general report in writing of his acts to the President, in which he may recommend the publication of papers forming parts of or accompanying his report. He shall also make special reports on particular subjects whenever required to do so by the President or either House of Congress, or when he shall think the subject in his charge requires it.
There shall be prepared by the Department of Agriculture an annual report on the work and expenditures of the agricultural experiment stations established under the Act of Congress of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven [7 U.S.C. 361a et seq.], on the work and expenditures of the Department of Agriculture in connection therewith, and on the cooperative agricultural extension work and expenditures of the Department of Agriculture and of agricultural colleges under the Act of May eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen [7 U.S.C. 341 et seq.], and there shall be printed annually eight thousand copies of said report, of which one thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate, two thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and five thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall direct and superintend the expenditure of all money appropriated to the Department and render accounts thereof.
On and after November 10, 2005, loan levels provided in this or any other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture shall be considered estimates, not limitations.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall furnish proper vouchers and accounts for the sums appropriated for the Department of Agriculture to the Government Accountability Office.
On and after October 28, 1991, advances of money to chiefs of field parties from any appropriation for the Department of Agriculture may be made by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture.
New obligational authority provided for the following appropriation items in this Act shall remain available until expended: Public Law 480 [7 U.S.C. 1691 et seq.]; Mutual and Self-Help Housing; Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations; Resource Conservation and Development; Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program; Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the contingency fund to meet emergency conditions, Integrated Systems Acquisition Project, the reserve fund for the Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket Control Programs, and buildings and facilities; Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, salaries and expenses funds made available to county committees; the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund; Agricultural Research Service, buildings and facilities; Cooperative State Research Service, buildings and facilities; Office of International Cooperation and Development, Middle-Income Country Training Program; Dairy Indemnity Program; higher education graduate fellowships grants under section 3152(b)(6) of this title; capacity building grants to colleges eligible to receive funds under the Act of August 30, 1890 [7 U.S.C. 321 et seq.], including Tuskegee University; and buildings and facilities, Food and Drug Administration: Provided, That, on and after October 28, 1991, such appropriations are authorized to remain available until expended.
On and after October 28, 1991, funds appropriated to the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration may be used for one-year contracts which are to be performed in two fiscal years so long as the total amount for such contracts is obligated in the year for which the funds are appropriated.
On and after October 28, 1991, the Department of Agriculture, when issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds, including but not limited to State and local governments, shall clearly state (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money, and (2) the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program.
On and after October 21, 1993, none of the funds available to the Department of Agriculture may be used to make production or other payments to a person, persons, or corporations upon a final finding by court of competent jurisdiction that such party is guilty of growing, cultivating, harvesting, processing or storing marijuana, or other such prohibited drug-producing plants on any part of lands owned or controlled by such persons or corporations.
On and after October 28, 2000, none of the funds made available to the Department of Agriculture shall be used to carry out any commodity purchase program that would prohibit eligibility or participation by farmer-owned cooperatives.
On and after November 10, 2005, funds appropriated by this or any other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture (excluding the Forest Service) shall be available for uniforms or allowances as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 5901–5902).
On and after November 10, 2005, agencies and offices of the Department of Agriculture may utilize any unobligated salaries and expenses funds to reimburse the Office of the General Counsel for salaries and expenses of personnel, and for other related expenses, incurred in representing such agencies and offices in the resolution of complaints by employees or applicants for employment, and in cases and other matters pending before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, or the Merit Systems Protection Board with the prior approval of the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress.
On and after November 10, 2005, agencies and offices of the Department of Agriculture may utilize any available discretionary funds to cover the costs of preparing, or contracting for the preparation of, final agency decisions regarding complaints of discrimination in employment or program activities arising within such agencies and offices.
There is established in the Department of Agriculture the position of Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Deputy Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to exercise the functions and perform the duties of the first assistant of the Secretary of Agriculture within the meaning of section 3345 of title 5 and shall perform such other duties as may be required by law or prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall appoint a chief clerk.
Such officers, agents, or employees of the Department of Agriculture of the United States as are designated by the Secretary of Agriculture for the purpose are authorized and empowered to administer to or take from any person an oath, affirmation, or affidavit whenever such oath, affirmation, or affidavit is for use in any prosecution or proceeding under or in the enforcement of any law committed to or which may be committed to the Secretary of Agriculture or the Department of Agriculture or any bureau or subdivision thereof for administration. Any such oath, affirmation, or affidavit administered or taken by or before such officer, agent, or employee when certified under his hand and authenticated by the seal of the Department of Agriculture may be offered or used in any court of the United States and shall have like force and effect as if administered or taken before a clerk of such court without further proof of the identity or authority of such officer, agent, or employee.
On and after July 24, 1919, in the performance of the duties required of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics in the administration or enforcement of provisions of Acts (United States Cotton Futures Act, Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 476; United States Grain Standards Act, Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 482 [7 U.S.C. 71 et seq.]; United States Warehouse Act, Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 486 [7 U.S.C. 241 et seq.]; Standard Container Act, Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 673; and the Acts making annual appropriations for the Department of Agriculture) relating to the Department of Agriculture, the Secretary of Agriculture, or any representative specifically authorized in writing by him for the purpose, shall have power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, and call for the production of books and papers.
No officer, agent, or employee of the Department of Agriculture shall demand or accept any fee or compensation whatsoever for administering or taking any oath, affirmation, or affidavit under the authority conferred by section 2217 of this title.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to pay the salary of each employee from the roll of the bureau, independent division, or office in which the employee is working, and no other.
The officials and the employees of the Department of Agriculture engaged in the activities described in section 2279i of this title and paid in whole or in part out of funds contributed as provided therein, and the persons, corporations, or associations making contributions as therein provided, shall not be subject to the provisions of section 209 of title 18; nor shall any official or employee engaged in the cooperative activities of the Forest Service, or the persons, corporations, or associations contributing to such activities be subject to such section.
Details may be made from or to the office of the Secretary when necessary and the services of the person whom it is proposed to detail are not required in that office.
Law clerks may be detailed by the Secretary of Agriculture for service in or out of Washington.
Employees of the library may be temporarily detailed by the Secretary of Agriculture for library service in the bureaus and offices of the department, and employees of the bureaus and offices of the department engaged in library work may also be temporarily detailed to the library.
Employees of the Division of Accounts and Disbursements may be detailed by the Secretary of Agriculture for accounting and disbursing work in any of the bureaus and offices of the department for duty in or out of the city of Washington, and employees of the bureaus and offices of the department may also be detailed to the Division of Accounts and Disbursements for duty in or out of the city of Washington, traveling expenses of employees so detailed to be paid from the appropriation of the bureau or office in connection with which such travel is performed.
On and after October 28, 1991, notwithstanding any other provision of law, employees of the agencies of the Department of Agriculture, including employees of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation county committees, may be utilized to provide part-time and intermittent assistance to other agencies of the Department, without reimbursement, during periods when they are not otherwise fully utilized, and ceilings on full-time equivalent staff years established for or by the Department of Agriculture shall exclude overtime as well as staff years expended as a result of carrying out programs associated with natural disasters, such as forest fires, droughts, floods, and other acts of God.
The Department of Agriculture may employ persons or organizations, on a temporary basis, by contract or otherwise: Provided, That no expenditures for such temporary employment shall be made unless provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein.
On and after October 28, 1991, the expenditure of any appropriation for the Department of Agriculture for any consulting service through procurement contract, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109, shall be limited to those contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record and available for public inspection, except where otherwise provided under existing law, or under existing Executive order issued pursuant to existing law.
On and after October 28, 1991, provisions of law prohibiting or restricting personal services contracts shall not apply to veterinarians employed by the Department to take animal blood samples, test and vaccinate animals, and perform branding and tagging activities on a fee-for-service basis.
On and after October 28, 2000, funds appropriated to the Department of Agriculture may be used to employ individuals by contract for services outside the United States as determined by the agencies to be necessary or appropriate for carrying out programs and activities abroad; and such contracts are authorized to be negotiated, the terms of the contract to be prescribed, and the work to be performed, where necessary, without regard to such statutory provisions as relate to the negotiation, making and performance of contracts and performance of work in the United States. Individuals employed by contract to perform such services outside the United States shall not by virtue of such employment be considered to be employees of the United States Government for purposes of any law administered by the Office of Personnel Management. Such individuals may be considered employees within the meaning of the Federal Employee Compensation Act, 5 U.S.C. 8101 et seq. Further, that 1
On and after November 10, 2005, funds appropriated by this or any other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture (excluding the Forest Service) shall be available for employment pursuant to the second sentence of section 2225 of this title and section 3109 of title 5.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Department is authorized on and after August 31, 1951, to employ or otherwise contract with persons at regular rates of pay for necessary hours of work for emergency forest fire fighting and pest control and for handling of animals, including dairy cattle, without regard to Sundays, Federal holidays, and the regular workweek.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to purchase from appropriations made for traveling expenses for employees of the Department of Agriculture, mileage and mileage books, at commercial rates, in the manner in which such mileage or mileage books are usually purchased.
The Department of Agriculture is authorized to furnish subsistence to employees without consideration as, or deduction from, the compensation of such employees where warranted by emergency condition connected with the work under such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe.
Under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture, funds available to the Department of Agriculture may be used for the payment of transportation expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence expenses, in accordance with subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, for travel between places of recruitment and duty, and while at places of duty, of persons appointed for temporary or seasonal services in inspection, classing or grading agricultural commodities.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to furnish subsistence to employees of the United States Department of Agriculture in the Territory of Alaska, and to purchase personal equipment and supplies for them, and to make deductions to meet the cost thereof from any money appropriated for salary payments or otherwise due such employees.
Employees of the Department of Agriculture stationed abroad may, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, enter into leases for official quarters, for periods not exceeding one year, and may pay rent, telephone, subscriptions to publications, and other charges incident to the conduct of their offices and the discharge of their duties, in advance, in any foreign country where custom or practice requires payment in advance.
On and after October 28, 1991, notwithstanding any other provision of law, any appropriations or funds available to the agencies of the Department of Agriculture may be used to reimburse employees for the cost of State licenses and certification fees pursuant to their Department of Agriculture position and that are necessary to comply with State laws, regulations, and requirements.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no employee of the United States Department of Agriculture shall be peremptorily removed, on or after February 15, 1994, from the position of the employee without an opportunity for a public or nonpublic hearing, at the option of the employee, because of remarks made during personal time in opposition to policies, or proposed policies, of the Department, including policies or proposed policies regarding homosexuals. Any employee removed on or after February 15, 1994, without the opportunity for such a hearing shall be reinstated to the position of the employee pending such a hearing.
The Department of Agriculture is authorized to contract for stenographic reporting services.
Funds available for carrying out the activities of the Department of Agriculture shall be available for expenses of advisory committees, including travel expenses in accordance with the provisions of section 5703 of title 5.
The Secretary of Agriculture may purchase stationery, supplies, furniture, and miscellaneous materials from this appropriation for contingent expenses and transfer the same at actual cost to the various bureaus, divisions, and offices of the Department of Agriculture in the city of Washington, reimbursement therefor to be made to such appropriation by said bureaus, divisions, and offices from their lump-fund appropriations by transfer settlements through the Treasury Department.
A working capital fund of $400,000 is established without fiscal year limitation, for the payment of salaries and other expenses necessary to the maintenance and operation of (1) central duplicating, photographic, and tabulating services, (2) a central motor-transport service for the maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-transport vehicles and other equipment, (3) a central supply service for the purchase, storage, handling, issuance, packing, or shipping of stationery, supplies, equipment, blank forms, and miscellaneous materials, for which stocks thereof, not to exceed $200,000 in value (except for the value of blank forms) at the close of any fiscal year, may be maintained sufficient to meet, in whole or in part, requirements of the bureaus and offices of the Department in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and (4) such other services as the Secretary, with the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, determines may be performed more advantageously as central services; said fund to be credited with advances or reimbursements from applicable funds of bureaus, offices, and agencies for which services are performed on the basis of rates which shall include estimated or actual charges for personal services, materials, equipment (including maintenance, repairs, and depreciation) and other expenses: Provided, That such advances shall not be available for any period beyond that provided by the Act appropriating the funds: Provided further, That such central services shall, to the fullest extent practicable, be used to make unnecessary the maintenance of separate like services in the bureaus, offices, and agencies of the department.
On and after November 28, 2001, refunds or rebates received on an on-going basis from a credit card services provider under the Department of Agriculture’s charge card programs may be deposited to and retained without fiscal year limitation in the Department’s Working Capital Fund established under section 2235 of this title and used to fund management initiatives of general benefit to the Department of Agriculture bureaus and offices as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary’s designee.
There is established a working capital fund of $300,000, to be available without fiscal year limitation, for expenses necessary for furnishing facilities and services by the Agricultural Research Center to Government agencies. Said fund shall be reimbursed from applicable appropriations or other funds to cover the charges for such facilities and services, including handling and related charges, for equipment rentals (including depreciation, maintenance, and repairs), for supplies, equipment and materials, stores of which may be maintained at the Center, and for building construction, alterations, and repairs, and applicable appropriations or other funds may also be charged their proportionate share of the necessary general expenses of the Center not covered by the annual appropriation.
Funds available for field work in the Department of Agriculture shall be available for employment by contract or otherwise of men with equipment, boats, work animals, animal-drawn, and motor-propelled vehicles.
Funds available for field work in the Department of Agriculture may be used for the purchase of arms and ammunition whenever the individual purchase does not exceed $50, and for individual purchases exceeding $50, when such arms and ammunition cannot advantageously be supplied by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to section 7655 of title 10.
Funds available to the Department of Agriculture may be used for printing and binding, including the purchase of reprints of scientific and technical articles.
The Secretary of Agriculture may, by transfer settlements through the Government Accountability Office, reimburse any appropriation made for the salaries and compensation of employees in the mechanical shops of the department from the appropriation made for the bureau, office, or division for which any work in said shops is performed, and such reimbursement shall be at the actual cost of labor for such work.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell in the open market or to exchange for other livestock such animals or animal products as cease to be needed in the work of the department, and all moneys received from the sale of such animals or animal products or as a bonus in the exchange of the same shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts.
Purchase and distribution of vegetable, field, and flower seeds, plants, shrubs, vines, bulbs, and cuttings shall be of the freshest and best obtainable varieties and adapted to general cultivation.
On and after October 28, 1991, funds appropriated to the Department of Agriculture by this Act may be used for translation of publications of the Department of Agriculture into foreign languages when determined by the Secretary to be in the public interest.
The Secretary of Agriculture may dispose of photographic prints (including bromide enlargements), lantern slides, transparencies, blueprints, and forest maps at cost and 10 per centum additional, and condemned property or materials under his charge in the same manner as provided by law for other bureaus.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to furnish, upon application, prints and lantern slides from negatives in the possession of the department and to charge for the same a price to cover the cost of preparation, such price to be determined and established by the Secretary of Agriculture, and the money received from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized, under such rules and regulations and subject to such conditions as he may prescribe, to loan, rent, or sell copies of films. In the sale or rental of films educational institutions or associations for agricultural education not organized for profit shall have preference; all moneys received from such rentals or sales to be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts.
The Secretary of Agriculture may furnish, upon application, samples of pure sugars, naval stores, microscopical specimens, and other products to State and municipal officers, educational institutions, and other parties and charge for the same a price to cover the cost thereof, such price to be determined and established by the Secretary, and the money received from sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell samples, illustrations, practical forms, or sets of the grades recommended or promulgated by him for farm or food products, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, and the receipts therefrom shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to collect and/or compile and publish annually, and at such other times, and in such form and on such date or dates as he shall prescribe, statistics and essential information relating to spirits of turpentine and rosin produced, held, and used in the domestic and foreign commerce of the United States.
Unless otherwise provided by the Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944 or by other statute, the measure and character of cooperation authorized by said Act on the part of the Federal Government and on the part of the cooperator shall be such as may be prescribed by the Secretary, unless otherwise provided for in the applicable appropriation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of existing law, except the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act [15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.] and without regard to sections 3111 and 3112 of title 40, but within the limitations of cost otherwise applicable, appropriations of the Department of Agriculture may be expended for the erection of buildings and other structures on land owned by States, counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions, corporations, or individuals: Provided, That prior to such erection there is obtained the right to use the land for the estimated life of or need for the structure, including the right to remove any such structure within a reasonable time after the termination of the right to use the land: Provided further, That appropriations and funds available to the Department of Agriculture shall be available for expenses in connection with acquiring the right to use land for such purposes under long-term lease or other agreement.
There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the “Nonrecurring expenses fund” (the Fund): Provided, That unobligated balances of expired discretionary funds appropriated in this or any succeeding fiscal year from the General Fund of the Treasury to the Department of Agriculture (except the Forest Service) by this or any other Act may be transferred (not later than the end of the fifth fiscal year after the last fiscal year for which such funds are available for the purposes for which appropriated) into the Fund: Provided further, That amounts deposited in the Fund shall be available until expended, and in addition to such other funds as may be available for such purposes, for facilities infrastructure and information technology services.1
Beginning with the fiscal year 1942, each appropriation to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect any program administered through the Production and Marketing Administration may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be reimbursed out of the then current appropriation for the agency affected, for a fair share of the administrative expense, as estimated periodically or in advance by the Production and Marketing Administration of maintaining registers of indebtedness and making, out of such Production and Marketing Administration appropriation, set-offs under the order entered by the Secretary on May 8, 1937, as heretofore or hereafter amended, in favor of any other agency of the Government.
Applicable appropriations available to the Production and Marketing Administration current at the time services are rendered or payment therefore is received may be reimbursed by nongovernmental agencies or foreign governments (by advance credits or reimbursements) for the actual or estimated costs, as determined by the Production and Marketing Administration, incident to procuring agricultural commodities for such nongovernmental agencies or foreign governments.
If the Secretary of Agriculture shall find after the acquisition by the United States of any land or interest therein which is subject to his administration, custody, or control, other than land acquired by exchange of public domain land or resources, that the title thereto is legally insufficient for the purposes for which such land or interest was acquired and no consideration therefor has been paid by the United States, or that title or color of title to such land or interest was acquired through mistake, misunderstanding, error, or inadvertence, he is authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of and in the name of the United States to the person from whom the title was acquired or to the person whom he finds entitled thereto a quitclaim deed to such land or interest: Provided, however, That if the person to whom such deed is made is the same person from whom the United States acquired title, or his successor in interest, any consideration given by the United States for such land or interest shall be restored or, in lieu thereof, the value equivalent of such consideration as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture shall be paid to the United States; and any consideration or value equivalent so restored or paid shall, so far as is practicable, be restored to the jurisdiction, or deposited to the credit, of the department, agency, appropriation, or fund from which the consideration was transferred or paid at the time of the acquisition of title by the United States.
Appropriations for the Agricultural Research Service shall be available for the operation and maintenance of aircraft and the purchase of not to exceed one for replacement only and pursuant to section 2250 of this title for the construction, alteration, and repair of buildings and improvements.
On and after December 26, 2007, none of the funds appropriated under this span shall be available to carry out research related to the production, processing, or marketing of tobacco or tobacco products.
On and after December 26, 2007, none of the funds appropriated under this span shall be available to carry out research related to the production, processing, or marketing of tobacco or tobacco products: Provided further, That on and after December 26, 2007, this paragraph shall not apply to research on the medical, biotechnological, food, and industrial uses of tobacco.
There is appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2021 and 2022 for the Agricultural Research Service to address gaps in nutrition research at the critical intersections of responsive agriculture, quality food production, and human nutrition and health.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to expend funds, available for agricultural conservation, adjustment, and land use programs, for the share of the United States as a member of the International Wheat Advisory Committee, the International Sugar Council, or like events or bodies concerned with the objectives of said program, together with traveling and other necessary expenses relating thereto: Provided, That expenditures under this authority shall not be made unless provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein.
On and after October 21, 1993, appropriations available to the Department of Agriculture can be used to provide financial assistance to the organizers of national and international conferences, if such conferences are in support of agency programs.
The head of any department or independent establishment of the Government requiring inspections, analyses, and tests of food and other products, within the scope of the functions of the Department of Agriculture and which that Department is unable to perform within the limits of its appropriations, may, with the approval of the Secretary, transfer to the Department for direct expenditure such sums as may be necessary for the performance of such work.
Not to exceed 7 per centum of the amounts appropriated for any fiscal year for the miscellaneous expenses of the work of any bureau, division, or office of the Department of Agriculture shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the objects included within the general expenses of such bureau, division, or office, but no more than 7 per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation except in cases of extraordinary emergency.
The Department of Agriculture is authorized to subscribe for such newspapers as may be necessary to carry out its authorized work.
Market-inspection certificates issued by authorized agents of the Department of Agriculture shall be received in all courts of the United States as prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements therein contained.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to obtain insurance to cover the liability of any employee of the Department of Agriculture for damage to or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by the act or omission of any such employee while acting within the scope of his office or employment and while operating a motor vehicle belonging to the United States in a foreign country.
Subject to limitations applicable with respect to each appropriation concerned, each appropriation available to the Department of Agriculture may be charged, at any time during a fiscal year, for the benefit of any other appropriation available to the Department, for the purpose of financing the procurement of materials and services, or financing activities or other costs, for which funds are available both in the financing appropriation so charged and in the appropriation so benefited; except that such expenses so financed shall be charged on a final basis, as of a date not later than the close of such fiscal year, to the appropriations so benefited, with appropriate credit to the financing appropriation.
The Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to accept, receive, hold, and administer on behalf of the United States gifts, bequests, or devises of real and personal property made unconditionally for the benefit of the National Agricultural Library or for the carrying out of any of its functions. Conditional gifts may be accepted and used in accordance with their provisions provided that no gift may be accepted which is conditioned on any expenditure not to be met therefrom or from the income thereof unless such expenditure has been approved by Act of Congress.
Any gift of money accepted pursuant to the authority granted in section 2264 of this title, or the net proceeds from the liquidation of any other property so accepted, or the proceeds of any insurance on any gift property not used for its restoration shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States for credit to a separate account and shall be disbursed upon order of the Secretary of Agriculture.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Agriculture may, whenever he considers it desirable, relinquish to a State all or part of the legislative jurisdiction of the United States over lands or interests under his control in that State. Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction under this section may be accomplished (1) by filing with the Governor of the State concerned a notice of relinquishment to take effect upon acceptance thereof, or (2) as the laws of the State may otherwise provide.
For fiscal year 1999 and thereafter, funds transferred to the Office of the Inspector General through forfeiture proceedings or from the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund or the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, as a participating agency, as an equitable share from the forfeiture of property in investigations in which the Office of the Inspector General participates, or through the granting of a Petition for Remission or Mitigation, shall be deposited to the credit of this account for law enforcement activities authorized under chapter 4 of title 5, to remain available until expended.
In the case of each fatality of an officer or employee of the Forest Service that occurs due to wildfire entrapment or burnover, the Inspector General of the Department of Agriculture shall conduct an investigation of the fatality. The investigation shall not rely on, and shall be completely independent of, any investigation of the fatality that is conducted by the Forest Service.
As soon as possible after completing an investigation under section 2270b of this title, the Inspector General of the Department of Agriculture shall submit to Congress and the Secretary of Agriculture a report containing the results of the investigation.
In carrying out marketing research and education programs, the Secretary of Agriculture shall take such steps as may be necessary to increase the efforts of the Department of Agriculture in providing marketing education programs for persons engaged in small and medium size family farm operations.
The Secretary of Agriculture may establish a program to train farmers and ranchers in advanced techniques for the marketing of agricultural commodities, livestock, and aquacultural products produced by such farmers and ranchers, including (where appropriate as determined by the Secretary) training in the use of futures and options markets.
On and after August 6, 1996, funds appropriated to the Department of Agriculture may be used for incidental expenses such as transportation, uniforms, lodging, and subsistence for volunteers serving under the authority of section 2272 of this title, when such volunteers are engaged in the work of the United States Department of Agriculture; and for promotional items of nominal value relating to the United States Department of Agriculture Volunteer Programs.
The Secretary of Agriculture may assist, through the use of Soil Conservation Service personnel, vehicles, communication equipment, and other equipment or materials available to the Secretary, in local search and rescue operations when requested by responsible local public authorities. Such assistance may be provided in emergencies caused by tornadoes, fires, floods, snowstorms, earthquakes, and similar disasters.
Any employee of the United States Department of Agriculture designated by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Attorney General of the United States may carry a firearm and use a firearm when necessary for self-protection, in accordance with rules and regulations issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Attorney General of the United States, while such employee is engaged in the performance of the employee’s official duties to (1) carry out any law or regulation related to the control, eradication, or prevention of the introduction or dissemination of communicable disease of livestock or poultry into the United States or (2) perform any duty related to such disease control, eradication, or prevention, subject to the direction of the Secretary.
On and after December 8, 2004, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to permit employees of the United States Department of Agriculture to carry and use firearms for personal protection while conducting field work in remote locations in the performance of their official duties.
Funds available to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) under this and subsequent appropriations shall be available for contracting with individuals for services to be performed outside of the United States, as determined by APHIS to be necessary or appropriate for carrying out programs and activities abroad. Such individuals shall not be regarded as officers or employees of the United States under any law administered by the Office of Personnel Management.
In any claim brought under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [29 U.S.C. 701 et seq.] and filed with the Secretary of Agriculture after January 1994 resulting in a finding that a farmer was subjected to discrimination under any farm loan program or activity conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture in violation of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), the Secretary of Agriculture shall be liable for compensatory damages. Such liability shall apply to any administrative action brought before October 21, 1998, but only if the action is brought within the applicable statute of limitations and the complainant sought or seeks compensatory damages while the action is pending.
Notwithstanding chapter 63 of title 31, marketing services of the Agricultural Marketing Service; the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration; the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; and the food safety activities of the Food Safety and Inspection Service, on and after February 20, 2003, may use cooperative agreements to reflect a relationship between the Agricultural Marketing Service; the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration; the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; or the Food Safety and Inspection Service and a State or cooperator to carry out agricultural marketing programs, to carry out programs to protect the nation’s animal and plant resources, or to carry out educational programs or special studies to improve the safety of the nation’s food supply.
On and after November 10, 2005, the Chief Financial Officer shall actively market and expand cross-servicing activities of the National Finance Center.
In carrying on the activities of the Department of Agriculture involving cooperation with State, county, and municipal agencies, associations of farmers, individual farmers, universities, colleges, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, or other local associations of business men, business organizations, and individuals within the State, Territory, district, or insular possession in which such activities are to be carried on, moneys contributed from such outside sources, except in the case of the authorized activities of the Forest Service, shall be paid only through the Secretary of Agriculture or through State, county, or municipal agencies, or local farm bureaus or like organizations, cooperating for the purpose with the Secretary of Agriculture.
The Secretary may, notwithstanding subchapter I of chapter 33 of title 5, governing appointments in the competitive or excepted service, noncompetitively convert to an appointment in the competitive service, in an agency or office within the Department of Agriculture, a recent graduate or student who is a United States citizen and has been awarded and successfully completed a scholarship program granted to the individual by the Department through the 1890 National Scholars Program or the 1994 Tribal Scholars Program carried out by the Department, provided the individual meets the requirements for such conversion and meets Office of Personnel Management qualification standards, as determined by the Secretary. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed as requiring the Secretary to convert an individual under the authority under such sentence.