- § 72.1 - Interstate movement of infested or exposed animals prohibited.
- § 72.2 - Restrictions on movement of cattle.
- § 72.3 - Areas quarantined in the Virgin Islands of the United States, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Island of Guam.
- § 72.4 - [Reserved]
- § 72.5 - Area quarantined in Texas.
- § 72.6 - Interstate movement of cattle from quarantined areas not eradicating ticks.
- § 72.7 - Interstate movement of cattle from cooperating States.
- § 72.8 - Interstate movement of cattle from free premises upon inspection and certification by APHIS inspector.
- § 72.9 - Interstate movements of cattle; inspection and certification by APHIS inspector required.
- § 72.10 - Inspected or dipped and certified cattle subject to restrictions of State of destination.
- § 72.11 - Quarantined area; cattle considered infested; requirements for placing in noninfectious pens or premises.
- § 72.12 - Cattle; exposure to tick infestation after treatment or inspection prohibited.
- § 72.13 - Permitted dips and procedures.
- § 72.14 - [Reserved]
- § 72.15 - Owners assume responsibility; must execute agreement prior to dipping or treatment waiving all claims against United States.
- § 72.16 - Designated dipping stations to be approved by the Administrator, APHIS on recommendations of State authorities; facilities.
- § 72.17 - Unloading noninfected cattle for rest, feed, and water only, permitted in authorized pens for such purpose.
- § 72.18 - Movement interstate; specification by the Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services of treatment required when dipping facilities unavailable.
- § 72.19 - Interstate shipments and use of pine straw, grass, litter from quarantined area; prohibited until disinfected.
- § 72.20 - Exhibition of noninfected cattle in the quarantined area; restrictions under which permitted.
- § 72.21 - Animals infested with or exposed to ticks subject to same restrictions as cattle.
- § 72.22 - Cars, vehicles, and premises; cleaning and treatment after containing infested or exposed animals.
- § 72.23 - Cars or other vehicles having carried infested or exposed cattle in quarantined area shall be cleaned and treated.
- § 72.24 - Litter and manure from carriers and premises of tick-infested animals; destruction or treating required.
- § 72.25 - Dipping methods.