- Exhibit A to Subpart E of Part 1901—Civil Rights Compliance Reviews

To: State Director, FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354.

Civil Rights compliance reviews have been conducted, and each recipient listed below was found in compliance with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Information which led to this finding and my determination that the recipient is in compliance are in the running record of the recipient's file.

Recipient Case No. Type of assistance 1Date of review Sam H. Smith99-05-7031 (rec.)OLJan. 3, 1975. John A. Jones99-05-8764RLFeb. 17, 1975. Medina Housing Association99-05-9176 grantTAMar. 5, 1975.

1 Indicate only the loans or grants received which are subject to compliance reviews.

County Supervisor