- SUBPART A [§ 4290.10 - § 4290.45] - Subpart A—Introduction to Part 4290
- SUBPART B [§ 4290.50 - § 4290.50] - Subpart B—Definition of Terms Used in Part 4290
- SUBPART C [§ 4290.100 - § 4290.240] - Subpart C—Qualifications for the RBIC Program
- SUBPART D [§ 4290.300 - § 4290.330] - Subpart D—Application and Approval Process for RBIC Licensing
- SUBPART E [§ 4290.340 - § 4290.390] - Subpart E—Evaluation and Selection of RBICs
- SUBPART F [§ 4290.400 - § 4290.480] - Subpart F—Changes in Ownership, Structure, or Control
- SUBPART G [§ 4290.500 - § 4290.585] - Subpart G—Managing the Operations of a RBIC
- SUBPART H [§ 4290.600 - § 4290.692] - Subpart H—Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Examination Requirements for RBICs
- SUBPART I [§ 4290.700 - § 4290.900] - Subpart I—Financing of Enterprises by RBICs
- SUBPART J [§ 4290.1100 - § 4290.1720] - Subpart J—Financial Assistance for RBICs (Leverage)
- SUBPART K [§ 4290.1810 - § 4290.1840] - Subpart K—RBIC's Noncompliance With Terms of Leverage
- SUBPART L [§ 4290.1900 - § 4290.1900] - Subpart L—Ending Operations as a RBIC
- SUBPART M [§ 4290.1910 - § 4290.1940] - Subpart M—Miscellaneous
- SUBPART N [§ 4290.2000 - § 4290.2000] - Subpart N—Requirements for Operational Assistance Grants to RBICs
- SUBPART O [§ 4290.3000 - § 4290.3099] - Subpart O—Additional Requirements for Non-Leveraged Licensees and Exceptions to Regulations