View all text of Part 4270 [§ 4270.1 - § 4270.99]

§ 4270.2 - Definitions

Agricultural materials. Plant, animal, and marine matter, raw materials or residues used in the manufacturing of a commercial or industrial product excluding food, feed, motor vehicle fuel, heating oil, and electricity.

Applicable minimum biobased content. The required Biobased Content level set by USDA that a product must meet or exceed to qualify for the Federal procurement preference and use of the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label.

ASTM International (ASTM). A nonprofit organization, formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials, that provides an international forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services.

Biobased content. The amount of recent, biologically derived organic carbon in the material or product expressed as a percent of weight (mass) of the total organic carbon in the material or product.

Biobased content testing. The testing that is performed to verify a product's Biobased Content. For products participating in the BioPreferred Program, the Biobased Content is to be determined using ASTM Method D6866, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis.

Biobased product(s). (1) A product determined by USDA to be a commercial or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is:

(i) Composed, in whole or in significant part, of Biological Products, including renewable domestic Agricultural Materials, Renewable Chemicals, and forestry materials; or

(ii) An Intermediate Ingredient or Feedstock.

(2) The term Biobased Product includes, with respect to forestry materials, Forest Products that meet Biobased Content requirements, notwithstanding the market share the product holds, the age of the product, or whether the market for the product is new or emerging. For the purposes of the BioPreferred Program, the term Biobased Product does not include motor vehicle fuels, heating oils, or electricity.

Biodegradability. A quantitative measure of the extent to which a material is capable of being decomposed by biological agents, especially bacteria.

Biological products. Products derived from living materials.

Certification icon. The distinctive image, as shown in figure 1 (note that actual size will vary depending on application), that depicts the symbols of the sun, the soil, and the aquatic environments to be used with USDA's permission to identify Certified Biobased Products. The icon will be used in materials including, but not limited to, advertisements, catalogs, procurement databases, websites, and promotional and educational materials. The colors used in the Certification Icon can be found in the USDA BioPreferred Program Brand and Marketing Guidelines available on the BioPreferred Program website (

Figure 1 to Definition of Certified Icon—Certification Icon

Certified application. An application for a Biobased Product to participate in the BioPreferred Program that has completed all steps of the certification process, including an initial Prequalification review and Biobased Content Testing as required, and has received a notice of certification.

Certified biobased product. A Biobased Product that is eligible for preferred Federal procurement because it meets the definition and Applicable Minimum Biobased Content criteria for one or more Designated Product Categories as specified in the Register of Designated Categories, and for which the Participating Organization has received approval from USDA to utilize the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label.

Complex assembly. A system of distinct materials and components assembled to create a finished product with specific functional intent where some or all of the system components contain some amount of biobased material or feedstock.

Days. As used in this part means calendar Days.

Defined product category. Any product category that has been established for a specified grouping of Biobased Products with similar characteristics and intended uses. A Defined Product Category includes a description of the product characteristics that fall within the category. The other product category is not a Defined Product Category.

Designated product category. A grouping of Biobased Products, including finished products, Intermediate Ingredients or Feedstocks, and Complex Assemblies, identified in the Register of Designated Categories on the BioPreferred Program website ( Certified or Qualified Biobased Products that meet the criteria for at least one designated category are eligible for the procurement preference established under section 9002 of FSRIA.

Designated representative. An entity authorized by a Participating Organization to act on their behalf to obtain certification or to affix the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label to the Participating Organization's Certified Biobased Product or its packaging or perform other marketing functions.

Federal agency. Any executive agency or independent establishment in the legislative or judicial branch of the Government (except the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Architect of the Capitol, and any activities under the Architect's direction).

Forest product. A product made from materials derived from the practice of forestry or the management of growing timber. The term Forest Product includes:

(1) Pulp, paper, paperboard, pellets, lumber, and other wood products; and

(2) Any recycled products derived from forest materials.

Formulated product. A product that is prepared or mixed with other Ingredients, according to a specified formula and includes more than one Ingredient.

FSRIA. The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Public Law 107-171, 116 Stat. 134 (7 U.S.C. 8102).

Ingredient. A component, or a part of a compound or mixture, that may be active or inactive.

Innovative criteria. Benchmark for demonstrating new and emerging approaches in the growing, harvesting, sourcing, procuring, processing, manufacturing, or application of the Biobased Product. Biobased Products must meet one of the Innovative Criteria as defined by USDA to be eligible for preferred Federal procurement and to display the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label.

Intermediate ingredient or feedstock. A material or compound made in whole or in significant part from Biological Products, including renewable Agricultural Materials (including plant, animal, and marine materials) or forestry materials that have undergone value added processing (including thermal, chemical, biological, or a significant amount of mechanical processing), excluding harvesting operations, offered for sale by a Participating Organization and that is subsequently used to make a more complex compound or product.

ISO. The International Organization for Standardization, a network of national standards institutes working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industries, business, and consumer representatives.

ISO 9001 conformant. An entity that meets all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, but that is not required to be ISO 9001 certified. ISO 9001 refers to the ISO's standards and guidelines relating to quality management systems. Quality management is defined as what the manufacturer does to ensure that its products or services satisfy the customer's quality requirements and comply with any regulations applicable to those products or services.

Other entity. Any person, group, public or private organization, or business other than USDA or Participating Organizations that may wish to use the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label or Certification Icon in informational or promotional material related to a Certified Biobased Product.

Parent product. The Certified Biobased Product in a test exempt relationship that was originally tested for certification. A test exempt product references the Certified Application of its Parent Product.

Participating organization. An entity that has completed the steps required to have a Certified and/or Qualified Biobased Product under the BioPreferred Program. Participants can include entities that perform the necessary chemical and mechanical processes to make a Biobased Product, and entities that offer for sale Biobased Products that they do not manufacture but that are marketed and sold under their own brand.

Prequalification. The step during the certification process at which an application is conditionally approved pending the product undergoing Biobased Content Testing.

Procuring agency. Any Federal Agency that is using Federal funds for procurement or any business contracting with any Federal Agency with respect to work performed under the contract.

Qualified biobased product(s). A product that is eligible for preferred Federal procurement because it meets the definition and Applicable Minimum Biobased Content criteria for one or more Designated Product Categories as specified in the Register of Designated Categories.

Register of Designated Categories. The list of product categories that are eligible for the procurement preference established under section 9002 of FSRIA, including the category name, description, required minimum Biobased Content, and date of finalization. The Register of Designated Categories can be found on the BioPreferred Program website at

Renewable chemical. A monomer, polymer, plastic, Formulated Product, or chemical substance produced from renewable biomass.

Secretary. The Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Stakeholder. Individuals or officers of State or local government organizations, private non-profit institutions, or organizations, and private businesses or consumers.

USDA. The United States Department of Agriculture.

USDA Certified Biobased Product label. A combination of the Certification Icon (as defined in this part); one of three statements identifying whether the USDA certification applies to the product, the package, or both the product and package; and the letters “FP” to indicate that the product is within a Designated Product Category and eligible for preferred Federal procurement. The distinctive image, as shown in figures 2, 3, and 4 (note that actual size will vary depending on application), identifies products as USDA Certified Biobased Products. The colors used in the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label can be found in the USDA BioPreferred Program Brand and Marketing Guidelines available on the BioPreferred Program website ( The USDA Certified Biobased Product Label is owned and its use is managed by USDA (standard trademark law definition applies).

Figure 2 to Definition of USDA Certified Biobased Product Label—USDA Certified Biobased Product Label Figure 3 to Definition of USDA Certified Biobased Product Label—USDA Certified Biobased Package Label Figure 4 to Definition of USDA Certified Biobased Product Label—USDA Certified Biobased Product & Package Label